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Roadmap Meeting September 13 2013

manez edited this page Sep 19, 2013 · 15 revisions


7.x-1.2 Release

Release was posted Sept 14.

  • Sandbox has been updated - using old 6.x sandbox for now. Should we provide a 6.x sandbox at all? The purpose is to test the software.

  • post notice that 6.x sandbox will be decommissioned in two weeks (Sept 27th), just use 7.x from here on out.

  • VM is 32 bit. Any utility in releasing a 64 bit version? Since it is not meant for production, there's no need.

Other Business


  • Will stick with IdeaWall as a tool for now. Roadmap will review the ideas regularly (quarterly?) and both prune old/no-vote ideas and move popular ideas to Jira as Feature Requests/Improvements, using the IdeaWall tools/workflow to indicate when the status of an idea has changed.

  • Implementation of ideas may take several forms: Kickstarter-type project to raise funding for implementation, community collaboration, members institutions adopting projects.

Top Ideas:

  • Workflow for Islandora 7 - Simple Workflow module exists for 7.x. Will look at available resources to port the 6.x module to 7.x - possible candidate for institution adoption.
  • Support for Docs - Possible pilot project. The code for this already exists in several different places. It needs to be brought together into a new module. Requirements Document to be developed.
  • Index context in Google Scholar - some question over how much this is within our control. Should look into becoming a "trusted repo" by Google.

Nick Ruest suggestion to mimic Hydra for addition of community contributions to core/canon:

  • Draft CLA for IF for group review. Will compare Hydra CLA to FreeSoftware Foundation CLA for ideas/examples
  • Will use the Islandora Foundation membership as the voting body for decisions about contributed software.
  • Draft CLA and agreement/workflow in Google docs.

Forms repo - use sub-modules approach? Listserv discussion and Git Repo

  • Will use the forms repo, but also accept forms via email to make the process easier. Will communicate the process to the community. Give free t-shirts to the first three to put in forms.

Islandora Camp NY - Columbia University, Nov 18-20

  • Need four staff (2 admin, 2 dev). Possible: Melissa, Donald, Alan, Paul

Islandora callback function - calling home when installed.

  • Discussed in Committer's Call - the idea is acceptable, perhaps not difficult to implement. Will put into a ticket for further development.

For Next Time

  • Code Snippets repo
  • Old/abandoned Islandora projects in GitHub - cleanup/describe. Add "experimental code"?

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