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Roadmap Meeting December 20, 2013 2pm AST

manez edited this page Dec 20, 2013 · 9 revisions

Chair: Mark Leggott Notes: Melissa Anez

  • Attending: Melissa Anez, Donald Moses, David Wilcox, Jonathan Green, Paul Pound, Nick Ruest, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Mark Leggott

  • Apologies: Greg Colati

New Business

  • Chair and note-taker rotation:
    • Will use lists to determine who will chair & notetake
    • Roadmap committee schedule to bump ahead a week (so next one is January 10th), Committers Call to do the same so that they don't end up happening in the same week.
    • Next Committers Call will be January 16th, (during iCampCA) chaired by Nick Ruest
  • CLA and LSAP
    • Nick's WARC submission - voting complete. Time to fork!
      • The software is accepted, Jonathan forked to Islandora's GitHub, Melissa will store the relevant documents and publish to the site.
      • Next up is Nick's Checksum - awaiting a cCLA from dgi to cover Adam's commits to the module.
    • New CLA from Peter Murray
      • Covers contributions for JP2 support. Also need to contact Randy Fisher to get one for his work on the same pieces.
      • Also looking at John Yobb's mapping module - would be great if it lived in its own repo so it can be developed.
      • XML Sitemap - need cCLA from UPEI and dgi.
  • Call for Volunteers - User testing?
    • Old JIRA ticket on this:
      • @TODO David will check with Garth for some items we may be able to crib from.
      • Kirsta suggests a shared doc with categories and tests to run.
      • City of Hope testing document might make a good template to build from as well.
      • Maybe build forms for the website to track the testing process?
  • Islandora RFC Process

Might fit in with/replace the IdeaWall tool, and/or supplement the Feature and Improvement request process through JIRA.

@TODO Melissa will draft a proposal to work this in with JIRA.

#Old Business

  • LOC and MODS-to-DC crosswalk issue now resolved?
    • LOC has merged in the updated crosswalk, so the source is now good and we no longer have to decide between forking and fixing or documenting a known issue.
  • Committers Group configuration- feedback from Committers Call
    • Will use groups from the Call for Volunteers to make new Git Groups to give permissions and recognition to people. Release Manager and Component Manager to have pull/push access, Code Reviewers and Testers will have pull access.
    • Need to make a video to show people how to fork, edit, push - especially for forms repo, which is a good place to get "Tester" to contribute. Or use these:
  • Islandora Camp updates
    • CA
      • 15 attendees so far. Need six more to break even. Looking good.
    • UK
      • May move this to the end of April or early May - need to keep talking to hosts to get the budget right.
    • GTA

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