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Roadmap Meeting October 14th 2016 11:30 am AST

Mark Jordan edited this page Oct 14, 2016 · 6 revisions
  • Chair: Mark Jordan
  • Notes: Gavin Morris

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:

  • Apologies:


Old Business

New Business

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa):
  • Dev Ops (Mark Jordan):
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer):
  • IR interest group (Mark):
  • Security Interest Group (Will):


  • Preparing for next development iteration (focusing on Drupal UI)
  • Fedora 4
  • API-X

Islandora Camps

  • iCampMO:
  • Islandoracon:
  • iCampEU 2017

Round Table

Next meeting: October 28

  • Chair: Gavin Morris
  • Notes: Jean Phillips


  • Chair: Mark Jordan
  • Notes: Gavin Morris


Mark Jordan, Brian Harrington, Carell Jackimiek, David Wilcox, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, William Panting, Gavin Morris, Donald Moses, Diego Pino, Daniel Lamb


Rosie Le Faive, Jordan Fields, Melissa Anez, Kim Pham, Nick Ruest

Business arising from previous minutes


7.x-1.8 release (Danny Lamb)

  • Documentation cleanup being handled by Donald Richards
  • At the moment only 3-4 of blockers left in JIRA
  • 2 are Documentation related
  • 1 is a bug assigned to Mark Jordan
  • 2 weeks left with 3 tickets (in good shape for progress)

Interest Group updates

  • Documentation (Melissa): No updates (at Islandora Camp currently)
  • DevOps (Gavin): Last meeting on Wednesday, Oct 12 was cancelled. Meeting again in November.
  • Metadata IG: No updates
  • IR IG (Donald): Have not met since last Roadmap Committee Call
  • Security IG (Will): Meeting Notes
  • Documentation in link repo
  • Having trouble with emailing group Danny to work with Melissa to sort out

CLAW update (Danny Lamb)

  • DL working through Drupal UI.

  • Will start using Balsamiq to map things out prior to next steps.

  • Wants next sprint to focus on Drupal views and UI

  • Fedora 4.70 to be released shortly.

  • There is a "big bug" currently but use the newest version to get off of Infinispan

  • CLAW Calls

  • October 12

  • October 19

  • Cross community discussion

  • API-X

  • There will be a demo within next few weeks

  • Still need help in these areas:

    • Testing
    • Documentation
    • Installation
  • Due to its importance, would like to integrate into CLAW ASAP within the next few weeks

  • October 13

  • PCDM

Islandora Camps

  • iCampMO: Melissa A. currently at this camp

Round Table

  • Donald Moses:
    • Still migrating content from legacy Drupal 6 to 7s. Interesting process
    • Method to migrate: Pulled all Fedora content as is. Using workflows,moving custom datastream names, IDS and other workflow "bits".
    • Re-OCRing objects (but not with ABBYY OCR / Tesseract?). Scripts executed. Page models are conforming.
    • Some content has TEI which will be stored but not to be indexed. Using workflow engine based on Taverna.
  • Brian Harrington:
    • Have new developer starting shortly. Will be able to make more contributions soon on Islandora.
  • David Wilcox:
    • Spots still open for upcoming Fedora Camp Nov 28-30th in New York City. Will close registration closer to event.
  • Gavin Morris: Nothing to report (NTR)
  • Diego Pino:
    • Working on some things old and new. Trying to integrate TripleI-F (IIIF) & JSON structures into Islandora and servers by developing a module.
      • There will be JSON endpoints for each resource and additionally a resource map e.g. for the book content module.
      • If this works, IIIF would make sense for CLAW.
      • Additionally, there has been much work on getting a lot of Mark Jordan's modules to work.
      • The idea is to make a plugin to get anything from SOLR search, convert results to PID list and then pass on to any other module that uses PID.
      • Have tried this method for the "Find and Replace" module but query system used is too basic. Still trying to find generic way of doing this.
      • There will be a IIIF migration path from Djatoka but will still need its libraries to compress. Ultimately, bye bye Djatoka!
  • Carell Jackimiek: NTR
  • Kirsta Stapelfeldt:
    • We've hired a new sys administrator with experience in building backends for major dating sites.
    • Additionally have two new devs (including Marcus Barnes)
    • Thanks Mark Jordan for great advice and help, we now have compound ingest working on pipeline now!
    • Next steps are to use Datastream CRUD to replace MODS streams afterwards. Hoping to get Oral Histories ready for next release of 7.x. Want to create another utility module for annotation in Fedora 3 repos and would like to connect with others who are interested.
  • Will Panting: NTR
  • Danny Lamb: (reported on CLAW above)
  • Mark Jordan:

Next meeting: October 28

  • Chair: Gavin Morris
  • Notes: Jean Phillips

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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