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Coordinating Meeting December 3 2021 11:30 am AST

kstapelfeldt edited this page Dec 3, 2021 · 24 revisions
  • Chair: Ian Song
  • Notes: Kirsta

Per: Schedule


Kirsta, Rosie, Bethany, Gabriela, Mirko, Amy, Ian (Chair)


  • Debrief re: Open Meeting (recording is in YouTube)
  • Update re: Islandora Intern (can that person come to this meeting?)
  • Update re: Sprint progress
  • Schedule in the new year and for December (currently a meeting on the 31st?)
  • Code of Conduct change? [email protected] has become a shared account. Can we use [email protected] and to whom should it go (with whom as back-up)?
  • Assigning a Chair for next year? (Changing Terms of Reference)

Interest Group Updates

  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan or Don)
  • ISLE Interest Group (Danny or Bryan)
  • Documentation Interest Group (Amy/Yamil, Melissa, or Mirko)

Islandora Events

  • January Islandora Open Meeting (next steps)

Round Table


  • Debrief re: Open Meeting (recording is in YouTube) - (26-28 in the morning and 14 in the afternoon). A few people stayed through to the end and we had a little bit of discussion and questions. Participant said he felt uncomfortable editing, and was guided through the process to feel more comfortable. Another person said he would like to contribute information regarding security to the documentation.
  • Update re: Islandora Intern (can that person come to this meeting?) - Internship search progressing well and in the reference check phase for top candidate. Kirsta will invite the successful candidate to the ICC meetings so we can all meet them and decide how to work together).
  • Update re: Sprint progress - major planning document here: Deployment and testing challenges being worked through - compatibility with Drupal 8. Drush version too old (migrate tools problem). Maybe not requiring migrate tools or having newer version of Drush. We need requirements but it's hard to say these to composer in a way that composer can understand. No documentation of overall requirements for versions and deployment methods. All implicit in the code and it may be good to make explicit. Agreed.

Proposal: Perhaps testing framework should be reliant on one active deployment method so tests are automatically updated.

  • Schedule in the new year and for December (currently a meeting on the 31st?) - cancelled the 31st.
  • Code of Conduct change? [email protected] has become a shared account. Can we use [email protected] and to whom should it go (with whom as back-up)?

Proposal: Code of Conduct goes to all members of the board, and if you are uncomfortable than contact Board members directly (and make sure email addresses of Board on the website). General agreement. Kirsta will draft the change to the Code of Conduct and circulate to the Board and then ICC via email. Goal is to have this wrapped and over by December 17th as there is a lot happening in the community and we need people to have a way to report in case they need to.

Brainstorm on responsibilities

  • Recognize points where agreement needs to be reached and call for
  • Chair the meetings and confirm note-taker at the beginning of the meeting
  • Curate the agenda and confirm that it is up to date on the wiki two days before the meeting
  • Know the members and their email addresses so emails can be sent (onboarding piece)
  • If the chair can't attend, the chair is responsible for making a call for a substitute chair.
  • The substitute chair takes on the responsibility of the chair for the meeting identified.
  • Acts as a liaison to other groups and a representative of the ICC as defined in the governance doc and brings back agenda items from those meetings, and proactively forwards agenda items and updates to the other meetings as directed by the ICC. This means also ensuring that when items come up for discussion that require contextual information that the item appears on the relevant complimentary committee agenda with sufficient time to allow that group to review and discuss relevant context.
  • Length of time for the chair: Minimum 6 months but 1 year preferred - need to add a description of the time commitment to the role.
  • Are there ways that people can share the role? (Co-chairs, or appointing fixed liaisons to other groups).

Brainstorm on process

  1. Nomination period
  2. Acceptance of a nomination
  3. Multiple people are nominated - voting or decision making process (by ICC)
  4. Recommendation made to board for Chair to be appointed
  5. Board appoints chair and manages onboarding (shares any access required as well as invitation to meeting)
  • Forced rotation 1.5 years.

  • Need to add a decision making process to the Terms of Reference?

Interest group updates

  • MIG working on docs through the sprint
  • IR - nothing new. KS reports that we have modules for extending OAI-PMH and providing citations for objects that might be of interest to IR group.
  • ISLE - no fixed updates
  • Documentation - DIG meeting next week. Gave presentation at Islandora Open Meeting. Melissa will attend sprint to encourage documentation changes.

Islandora Events

Next meeting Dec 17

  • Chair: Wei Xuan
  • Notes: Don Richards

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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