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Debbie Flitner edited this page Sep 9, 2020 · 6 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:


  • Danny Lamb
  • Melissa Anez
  • Debbie Flitner ⭐ 💪
  • Alan Stanley
  • Seth Shaw
  • Eli Zoller
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Natkeeran
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Mark Jordan
  • Elliot Metsger
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Adam Vessey
  • Nguyen Huynh
  • Bethany Seeger
  • Jonathan Green


  1. Survey results soon to be published
  2. Master -> Main rename bungling
  3. Issue Roundup
    1. JSON-LD does not invalidate cache effectively.
    2. Test needed in JsonldTypeAlterReaction for using taxonomy term
    3. "Mirador" tag is added independently of Islandora Mirador being enabled
    4. Extracted Text Media Type missing a few fields?
    5. "isNewVersion" is in the wrong spot in event messages
  4. Open PRs
    1. Please add any PRs you'd like to get addressed
  5. Feel free to add agenda items...


  1. Survey results soon to be published
    1. Danny is working on this. The results will be an article on, linking to a Google sheet of results without identifying info.
  2. Master -> Main rename bungling
    1. Danny used a find/replace script and needs to fix a few issues. Please be patient, this is still in flux.
    2. PRs went against master instead of dev, some URLs are messed up.
    3. Default branches need to be changed to dev.
    4. Give Danny a heads-up if you notice other problems.
  3. Jordan Dukart is our newest committer. Yay Jordan! \o/
  4. Issue Roundup
    1. JSON-LD does not invalidate cache effectively.
      1. No work on this yet, please take a look.
    2. Test needed in JsonldTypeAlterReaction for using taxonomy term
      1. Code is running in defaults but we need functional tests written for this.
      2. Will also make an issue for documentation of basics of writing tests.
    3. "Mirador" tag is added independently of Islandora Mirador being enabled
      1. Islandora Defaults adds tags for other viewers but some of those are included in the module so that’s ok. Code that involves viewers with separate modules should check to make sure the module is enabled before doing anything.
      2. Adding migration of terms in install seems like the way to go, so that it runs when the module is enabled and you can control the order of when things happen.
      3. PR already available, take a look.
    4. Extracted Text Media Type missing a few fields?
      1. This type doesn’t have the same fields, including access terms, that other media types have.
      2. Because it was intended to only be a derivative, never an Original File.
      3. However if someone provides their own OCR, even as a derivative, it should have access terms and other base file metadata to be consistent with other media types.
      4. Additional note: Access controls will need to be more thoroughly handled in the future.
    5. "isNewVersion" is in the wrong spot in event messages
      1. This doesn’t really affect anything but we are not compliant with standards.
  5. Open PRs (my Zoom restarted and I had choppy internet for the rest of the meeting so I missed some discussion at various points in this section -dlf)
    1. Mirador block - Eli will fix. Also something about phpcbf.
    2. PR to change documentation to point to the correct branch URL.
      1. Someone please run mkdocs on this.
    3. PR clarifying documentation on the playbook
      1. Can rebase this if needed, or can cherry-pick commits
    4. There will be a Doodle poll to set up a special topic meeting to discuss how to make changes from Islandora Defaults.
      1. A short meeting happened already. Discussion and notes from that meeting.
    5. ISLE issues - it’s functional and usable but isn’t a finished product yet. More discussion needed about where we take this going forward.
      1. Request for documentation on how to test PRs in Docker/ISLE
      2. There is also ongoing discussion in the ISLE Slack channels

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