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shekh edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 1 revision

VirtualDub Plugin SDK 1.2

Writing the module entry point

The first task when writing a video filter is to declare the DLL entry points that allow the host to find the filters within it. VDXFrame includes standard entry points that simplify this task.

Declaring the entry point

To declare the entry point, use the macros from VideoFilterEntry.h:

#include <vd2/VDXFrame/VideoFilterEntry.h>


By default, this declares both the VirtualdubFilterModuleInit2 and VirtualdubFilterModuleDeinit entry points, and declares a required video filter API version of API V9 (VIRTUALDUB_FILTERDEF_COMPATIBLE_COPYCTOR). If you need to declare a higher API version minimum, you can use the alternate macro:


Declaring video filters

The entry points supplied by VDXFrame automatically register all filters in a list supplied by the filter DLL. The list is specified using a second set of macros:


definitionSymbolName is the name of the symbol of type VDXFilterDefinition exported elsewhere in the DLL. For each video filter, a new VDX_DECLARE_VIDEOFILTER line should be added between the begin and end macros. This is designed to allow the video filters and their definitions to be

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