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shekh edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 1 revision

VirtualDub Plugin SDK 1.2

IVDXFilterPreview interface

IVDXFilterPreview:: Toggle

Toggles the display of the preview window.

void Toggle(VDXHWND hwnd);


hwnd Owner window to use for placement of the preview window.

Thread safety

This method is not thread-safe.


Errors may not be returned from this function (see SetError()).


If the preview window is displayed it is closed. If it is closed and preview is enabled, the preview window is opened and positioned next to the owning window.

Toggle() may be called even if preview is not enabled. In that case, the call is ignored.

The window handle for the filter's configuration dialog should be passed as the owning window. This allows the filter preview window to stay on top and to position itself appropriately.

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