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VirtualDub Plugin SDK 1.2

VDXPixmapFormat enumeration


The VDXPixmapFormat enumeration is used to indicate bitfield and color space encoding for pixels.


Null Invalid, unspecified, or default format.
XRGB1555 16-bit RGB, 5 bits per sample, RGB bitfield ordering
RGB565 16-bit RGB, 5 bits per red/blue sample, 6 bits per green sample, RGB bitfield ordering
RGB888 24-bit RGB, 8 bits per sample, BGR byte ordering
XRGB8888 32-bit RGB, 8 bits per sample, BGR byte ordering followed by unused byte
Y8 Luma-only (grayscale) encoding, with luma range according to BT.601
YUV422_UYVY 4:2:2 YCbCr interleaved encoding (half horizontal chroma resolution), Cb/Y1/Cr/Y2 byte order
YUV422_YUYV 4:2:2 YCbCr interleaved encoding (half horizontal chroma resolution), Y1/Cb/Y2/Cr byte order
YUV444_Planar 4:4:4 YCbCr planar encoding (full chroma resolution)
YUV422_Planar 4:2:2 YCbCr planar encoding (half horizontal chroma resolution); chroma samples are coaligned with left luma sample
YUV420_Planar 4:2:0 YCbCr planar encoding (half horizontal/vertical chroma resolution); chroma samples are midway between left luma samples
YUV411_Planar 4:1:1 YCbCr planar encoding (quarter horizontal chroma resolution); chroma samples are coaligned with leftmost luma sample
YUV410_Planar 4:1:0 YCbCr planar encoding (quarter horizontal/vertical chroma resolution)
YUV420i_Planar 4:2:0 YCbCr interlaced planar encoding (quarter horizontal/vertical chroma resolution). Chroma samples are coaligned with the left luma sample in each 2x2 block and centered vertically. However, for each plane, the even scanlines correspond to one field while the odd scanlines correspond to another. This means that the vertical relationship between chroma samples is different between even and odd fields.
YUV420it_Planar Same as the even (top) scanlines of the YUV420i_Planar format. In this format, the chroma samples are coaligned with the left luma samples of each 2x2 block, but positioned one-quarter of the way down from the top samples to the bottom ones.
YUV420ib_Planar Same as the odd (bottom) scanlines of the YUV420i_Planar format. In this format, the chroma samples are coaligned with the left luma samples of each 2x2 block, but positioned three-quarters of the way down from the top samples to the bottom ones.
*_FR Same as the base format, but using full range encoding (0-255 for luma and chroma).
*_709 Same as the base format, but using the Rec. 709 color space instead of Rec. 601.
VDXA_RGB Video filters only: 3D accelerated RGB image format.
VDXA_YUV Video filters only: 3D accelerated YCbCr image format (Rec. 601 / limited-range).


All undecorated YCbCr encodings use the Rec. 601 color space, with luminance having a range of 16-235 for black to white and chrominance using 16-240. Formats with the _709 tag use the Rec. 709 color space instead, which is usually used for high-definition (HD) video. _FR tag are full-range and use the full 0-255 range for both luma and chroma.

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