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shekh edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 1 revision

VirtualDub Plugin SDK 1.2

stringProc2 video filter method


Creates a user-readable string description of the filter instance's current configuration.

void stringProc2(const VDXFilterActivation *fa, const VDXFilterFunctions *ff, char *buf, int maxlen);


fa Pointer to filter activation structure.
ff Pointer to callback function structure.
buf Buffer to receive string.
maxlen Size of the buffer, in bytes. This includes the terminating null.

Thread safety

This method is not thread-safe.


This function must not throw exceptions (see Except()).

Default behavior

If omitted, no default action is taken.


This function is the same as stringProc, except that this version supplies the length of the buffer, to avoid buffer overflows. New filters should supply both this function and stringProc; 1.4.10 and earlier will use the the older function, and 1.4.11 will use this version.

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