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shekh edited this page Apr 15, 2018 · 1 revision

VirtualDub Plugin SDK 1.2

VDXVideoFrameInfo structure

Describes a video frame in a video stream.


struct VDXVideoFrameInfo {
    char    mTypeChar;
    uint8   mFrameType;
    sint64  mBytePosition;


A readable character used to describe the video frame. For AVI-style streams, the characters 'K' and ' ' should be used for key and delta frames, respectively; for MPEG-style streams, 'I', 'P', and 'B' can be used. This is only for user interface purposes, so it should not be interpreted by hosts to detect the frame type.

A value indicating the frame's basic type, most notably its dependency on other frames. This must be one of values in the VDXVideoFrameInfo enumeration.

The approximate starting byte position within the file. This can be used by the host both for informative purposes — such as indicating to the user the approximate byte position of corrupted data — or for optimization purposes, such as seek optimization. A value of -1 indicates that no byte position is available. It is OK to return -1 as the byte position all samples.

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