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X14 Quad ESC Adapter

Katherine edited this page Jul 3, 2022 · 1 revision

X14 Quad ESC Adapter

PCB Summary
Vehicle X14, ROV Sub-Optimal
Contributors Peter Sperry
Predecessors X13 Quad ESC Adapter
Success? {}

Architecture Link
SID Link

What purpose does this board serve?

The ESC Adapter serves as housing to connect the new Lumenier 45A 4 in 1 ESC to the rest of the power system, which are the backplane that gives 12V power and the thrusters it drives via its new IPBD-03-S-K connectors. The ESC Adapter did not used to exist two years ago, but it was decided that there should be a separation between the ESC’s and the micro’s controlling them.

To what boards (or enclosures etc) does it connect?

The board connects to the Backplane for 12V power via a 2 x 12 header. It also connects to the ESC Controller via a JST 1mm 8 pin connector.

What priorities did you have in your design? What design considerations did you have? What methodologies did you follow? (routing a differential pair, keeping something separate for isolation, etc)

One priority was space. I needed to fit all of the components into as small of a space as possible. I had to consider this while picking the new connectors that are appropriate for the board. Another consideration was current carrying capacity. I needed to make the copper area as large as possible. I kept all pads and vias for ground on one side of the board, and I kept all pads and vias for power on the other side this way, I could maximize copper area.

What changes were made to your board from the previous year(s)?

The only change that was made to the board from the previous year was the new IPBD-03-S-K connectors. The previous connectors were screw-in, and these are quick insert and release connectors.

What factors affected your board outline?

The only factor that affected the board outline was space.

What reference materials did you use for circuits? (Provide links to these)

Datasheet for connectors

What is the throughput of your board (power, data/speeds, etc)?

Power is 12V from Backplane at 50A, there is no data.

Why did you pick certain components for your board? (If you don't know the answer/were told, now is a great time to ask)

The Lumenier ESC is a component that is perfect for the job that we have for it. It is used in remote helicopters, and that is very similar to what we are doing because we are also spinning thrusters. It is perfect at delivering three-phase power to the motors. The connectors that were chosen were picked because of their ease for connecting and unconnecting. The previous connectors were screw-in, and these are quick insert and release connectors.

What issues did you have with your board (in both design and assembly)

One issue with the design would be having to move the bulk capacitors to the Backplane. During assembly, there were many mistakes with one board. Power and ground were shorted many times, due to hasty soldering techniques. Because of this, there were multiple times that desoldering was necessary. These issues were resolved by using a heat gun to desolder the lumineer then we re-soldered the board.

How did you go about integrating with mechanical? What changes did you make?

I was given the dimensions of the board, and I was also told that the connectors could not stick too far out. Neither of these requirements added any additional work. The mounting holes that were also a part of mechanical were meant to be placed on the corners of the board and between the connectors. I did not have to make any changes because the holes were in that place from last year.

Other notes: what else about your board should be mentioned?

What errors/mistakes were made?

  • There were no major mistakes that were made with the design. However, when soldering, there were many times that ground and power were accidentally shorted, due to hasty soldering techniques.
  • If you had to do it over again, what might you change? (For this question and the previous one, go back to the board/schematic in eagle and either change them if it can be done quickly enough, or make a note for the future)
  • One thing that I would change for next year is to allow the connectors to face upwards to allow for easy connection from above. It is very hard to make a connection while in the box at this point. Another thing that I might change would be the presence of the bulk capacitors on this board instead of the Backplane. I could solve this by making the board bigger, or keeping some copper below the lumineer. This would allow for all of the elements of the ESC to be on the same board. I would also be more careful when soldering so that I don't short power and ground.

If you had to do it over again, what might you change?

What did you do that was spot on?



Any addition links if relevant

Side Notes

  • Any fun side details


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Tech Report Paragraph

The Quad ESC Adapter board connects the Lumenier ESCs to the backplane for input power and the thrusters they drive. The Lumenier ESCs allow for simple, compact design; we are, however, working on designing our own ESCs for the future. The board makes use of bulk capacitors placed on the Backplane Board to provide current to the thrusters on startup.


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