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replication leveled quorum

drdr xp edited this page Sep 8, 2020 · 1 revision

Leveled quorum

Hierarchical quorum

Treat the cluster a, b, c, d..x as a 3-node cluster:

a,  B=(b, c...), x

A quorum is: ⅔ of a, B, x and a major of b, c...

e.g.: for a, b, c, d, e a quorum could be: a, (b, c) a, (c, d) (b, d), e a, e

Higher level quorum is formed the same way.

Build leveled quorum by latency

The graph of nodes has edges with distance set to be the latency between two nodes.

Then add nodes close to each other into a group. Then the graph is splitted into a leveled quorum.

Recover only 0 or 1

If the value to recover can only be 0 or 1:

When recover:

  • collect fast-status from a majority.
  • decide 0 or 1. // prefer 0.
  • send accept 0 with rnd=0, or prepare for 1 with rnd=1, then accept.
  • commit.

Fast commit

To fast commit the relation of a > x: v = 1 if a > x a has seen x; v = 0 if a < x a has not seen x.

a | b c d | x

Fast safe: if a value v constituted a leveled quorum in a, (b, c, d), x.

The FP-condition: require x is committed and x not seen a is another way to ensure majority in (b, c, d)

To be specific, if a see x on leader L(x), x must be committed(or accepted? TODO ) on L(x) and a > x.

TODO: accepted or committed both impede a < x to be committed on other replicas.

TODO commit(determine the order) when read, not write