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r5 replication

drdr xp edited this page Sep 29, 2020 · 2 revisions


666paxos, aka 6p is an optimization for at most 6 replicas, with only one RTT to achieve consensus, and allows at most 2 failure replicas.

In this paper the discussion is in a 5 replicas scenario.


  • Every two instances interfere with each other.

  • Consistency.

  • Local-Linearizability: If instance b is proposed after a is committed, b is always executed after a, if Lb == La.

    This is different from epaxos. A single round commit can not achieve global ordering. And this is similar to the reality: according to relativity, two events happens at two place has no absolute order.

    To achieve global ordering, another round is required to broadcast the committed value to a quorum, if the committed value is different from the initial value.

  • Safety.


  • R0, R1 ... : replica. Rab is the replica received both a and b.

  • a, b ... x, y... : instance.

  • La, Lb: is the leader replica of an instance a or b.

  • f: max failure replica: 2

  • n: number of replicas, n = 5.

  • Q: quorum: |Q| = f+1.

  • Qa: quorum chosen for instance a.

  • a → b: relation depends-on: a depends-on b.

The relation between 2 instance

La and Lb choose quorums Qa and Qb,

{Rab} = Qa ∩ Qb != ø.

La broadcast to Qa a message which contains:

  • the commands to execute,
  • what Qa is.

so does Lb.

Because La must see at least one b, thus both a and b knows the quorum of the other.

Determine the order

There are 3 different patterns how a and b are replicated:

case-1. La ∈ Qb and Lb ∈ Qa:

b   b     a   a
a₀            b₀
La  R  R  R   Lb

In this case, both La and Lb decides a ↔ b: any consistent execution order is correct.

case-2. La ∈ Qb and Lb ∉ Qa:

b   b  a  a
a₀            b₀
La  R  R  R   Lb

In this case b → a.

case-3. {La, Lb} ∩ ∉ Qb and Lb ∉ Qa:

    b  b
       a   a
a₀            b₀
La  R  Rab R  Lb

    b   b
    a   a   
a₀            b₀
La  Rab R  R  Lb

In this case the order is determined by the order the left-most replica received a and b: On Rab, if a comes first, it determines b → a and vice versus.

In all these 3 cases, when La receives 2 replies, it gets the relation between a, b, and Lb will always get the same result.

∴ Consistency is guaranteed. Then La commit a and then responds to client and simultaneously, broadcast the committed value of a to all others.


Recovery process P contacts a Q and recovers the value. P can always recover a committed value because La, Lb, Rab constitues a quorum of 5 replicas:

If a and b are both committed, P always see at least one a and one b, thus P knows about their quorum Qa and Qb.

In case-1, P always knows only a ↔ b can be committed from Qa and Qb.

In case-2, P always knows only a → b or b → a can be committed from Qa and Qb.

For case-3,

  • If P reached La or Lb, it gets the order of a, b from the leader(by waiting for them to commit).
  • Otherwise, P must have reached Rab, it gets the order from Rab.

Then P commit the order.

If P didnot see a, then a is not committed. P should Prepare with a higher ballot to take leadership of a and choose a different Qa to recommit.


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