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exec finite

drdr xp edited this page Sep 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

mean cycle size is finite: 一个环的形成要求: a₀ → a₁ → a₂ ... aᵢ → a₀aᵢ, aᵢ₊₁, 假设产生aᵢ ← aᵢ₊₁的概率是p, aᵢ.seq < aᵢ₊₁.seq 的概率是0.5 则aᵢ → aᵢ₊₁aᵢ.seq > aᵢ₊₁.seq的概率是k=1-0.5p 形成一个长度为n的环的几率是kⁿ=(1-0.5p)ⁿ 平均换的长度为1 k + 2 k² + ... = k/(1-k)² 假设p=0.5, 平均环长度是c = 12.

finite proof 2

All walking from V₀ᵢ always walks to e₀ᵢ then walks along one of the outgoing edges from e₀ᵢ. Thus subsequent walking is just like walking among {e₀ᵢ}, except there are multiple edges between two vertices, and a vertex has edges pointing to itself.

Assumes e₀ᵢ only has finite number(k at most) of outgoing edges. When all of its edges are remove the total number of edges removed is finite: first round: n = c second: n = n * c ... n = cᵏ

Proof: finite steps

The number of steps this algo takes to find a vertex to remove from a SCC is finite.


Edges in Eⱼ(G) splits the G.vertices into groups, e.g., group V₀ᵢ is set of vertices that a walk from it will remove e₀ᵢ:

  • V₀ᵢ = {x ∈ G.vertices | e₀ᵢ ∈ rmSeq(G, x)} for every e₀ᵢ ∈ E₀(G).
  • V₁ᵢ = {x ∈ G.vertices | e₁ᵢ ∈ rmSeq(G, x)} for every e₁ᵢ ∈ E₁(G).
  • ...

(1): the upper bound of seq of vertices that x depends-on, i.e., b = max({y.seq | ∃(x, y)}) is finite. Because an instance will always be committed in finite time, by its leader or by a recovery.

(2): With a given upper bound of seq: b, the number of vertices with a seq smaller than b is finite: i.e., Nv(b) = |{x | x.seq < b}| is finite: Because A replica always proposes new instance with monotonic incremental seq.

(3): From (2), the the number of groups that have a vertex with seq: seq < b, i.e., Ng(b) = |{g | ∃x ∈ g, x.seq < b}| is also finite.

If it walks to a same group, it only removes edges from vertex set V = {v | v.seq <= x.seq}. After removed an edge (x, y), because every walking path always goes to x, then the next min-cycle either includes x or another vertex with smaller seq than x.

  • After removing an edge, e.g., e₀ᵢ = (x, y), if the subsequent walking go back to V₀ᵢ, the next edge to remove also sources from x, or source from a vertex in V₀ᵢ with smaller seq.

    ∴ (4): If the walking involves only one group, it keeps removing edges from a set of vertex: {v | v.seq <= x.seq}. From (2), the size of this set, i.e., Nv(x.seq) is finite.

    ∴ (5): Within one group, from (1) and (4), before any vertex is removed, the number of edges to remove is finite and is at most Nv(x.seq) times the max number of edges a vertex could have, where x is the source vertex of a removed edge in this group.

∴ After removing the first edge (x, y), If the walking does not union another group, From (3), for Nv(x.seq) * C steps, a vertex will be removed. If it unioned Ng(x.seq) group, it always walks back to the same group. it takes at most Nv(x.seq) * C steps to remove a vertex from a SCC.

TODO: need to prove that it takes finite steps to go from e₀ᵢ to e₀ⱼ TODO: need to prove that the after unioned Ng(x.seq) groups, the chance going to another group is low.


Example is shown in the following digraph: A walking starts from 8 will go back to V₀₀ after removing the first edge (1, 2). A walking starts from 7 will union V₀₁ and V₀₂ after removing edge (3, 4).

     .→ 8 ←--.       7 ←----------.
     |  ↓    |       ↓            |
     |  2    '-----→ 4      .→ 6  |
     |  ↕            ↕      |  ↕  |
     `- 1            3 -----'  5 -'
       ---          ---       ---
       V₀₀          V₀₁       V₀₂
       e₀₀=(1,2)    e₀₁=(3,4) e₀₂=(5,6)
       ---          -------------
       V₁₀          V₁₁ = V₀₁ ∪ V₀₂
       e₁₀=(1,8)    e₁₁=(3,6)
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