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paxos with binary relation

drdr xp edited this page Sep 8, 2020 · 1 revision

2020 Aug 22

The most basic problem in a distributed system is to determine order of two object. All other consensus is built upon the consensus about ordering. E.g. a distributed state machine, the core is consensus about the operation log. And the log is about to determine the order of a serias of command. And the very basic problem is about the order of two command.


  • R0, R1 ... or R[0], R[1]... : replica.

  • a, b ... x, y... : instance.

  • La, Lb: is the leader replica of an instance a or b.

  • F: number of max allowed failed replica that.

  • n: number of replicas, n = 2F+1.

  • Qc: classic quorum: Qc = F+1.

  • Qf: fast quorum: Qf = F+⌊Qc/2⌋ = F + ⌊(F+1)/2⌋.

  • a ~ b: interfere: a and b can not exchange execution order in any instance(command) sequence.

  • a → b: depends-on: a interferes with b and has seen b.

  • a < b: do-not-know: a did not see b.

Local order

Local order is determined by clock. A server receives in a, b then the order this server believes is b → a.

Definition: commit

The action commit is to broadcast to all replica about what value is safe.

Definition: safe

Some value(e.g. an instance or a relation or something else) is safe if: it has been forwarded to enough replicas and constituted a quorum(Qf or Qc) so that no process(command leader or recovery process) would never choose other value for it to commit.

The algo of paxos-binary is about to determine the consensus about order of two object. i.e., two replica initiated instance a and b.

We use a FastPaxos round to determine the order of a, b. If FastPaxos does not commit, run into a ClassicPaxos to determine their order.

valid orders are: a → b a ← b a ↔ b


If a value is FastCommit-ed, The system must guarantees recovery always choose this value.

∴ FastCommit-ed value must be all identical and constitues a fast round quorum.


Consider the value of the relation between two instance a, b, If both are FastCommit-ed, from FP-guarantee: a does not see x implies x sees a: a < x ⇒ x → a.

∴ If one of two FastCommit-ed value is determined, the other can be determined too.


If a recovery process reaches either of leader of a(La) or leader of b(Lb), from Fast-entanglement, it is able to find the relation between a, b from a leader.

∴ We only need to consider a recover that does not reach either of La and Lb.

Recovery from the left n-2 replica is the same as fast paxos specified.

In order to prevent recovery from choosing different value:

∴ Constitute fast quorum of n-2, i.e., two fast quorum Qf(a), Qf(b) must satisfies: for a recovery quorum, i.e., classic quorum Qc: La ∉ Qc and Lb ∉ Qc: Qf(a) \ {La, Lb} ∩ Qc and Qf(b) \ {La, Lb} ∩ Qc must have intersection.

For 5 replicas scenario, Qc=3, n-2=3, |Qf(a) \ {La, Lb}| and |Qf(a) \ {La, Lb}| is at least 2. For 7 replicas scenario, Qc=4, n-2=5, |Qf(a) \ {La, Lb}| and |Qf(a) \ {La, Lb}| is at least 4.

Inference: the value of relation a, x, If x is committed with x < a, then only a → x can be FastCommit-ed. ∴ A more strict conclusion is:

Fast path


  1. Leader: Initiate instance a: build a.deps:
  2. Leader: FastAccept: forward a to other replicas.
  3. NonLeader: FastAccept: update a with local instances
  4. Leader: Handle-FastAcceptReply

Slow path


  1. Leader: Choose a.deps
  2. Leader: Send Accept to replicas
  3. NonLeader: handle Accept
  4. Leader: Handle AcceptReply


Just commit.

|                                      |
| Leader of a                          | Non Leader
| ---                                  | ---
| blt=0                                | 
| fast_accept(v=a<b, blt)              |
| ---                                  | --- handle-fast-accept-request
|                                      |
|                                      | if a > b exists:
|                                      |   if status_of(a > b) == fast_accepted:
|                                      |     reply(declined)
|                                      |   if status_of(a > b) == accepted:
|                                      |     reply(a > b, accepted)
|                                      |   if status_of(a > b) == committed:
|                                      |     reply(a > b, committed)
|                                      |
|                                      | else:
|                                      |   save(a < b, fast_accepted)
|                                      |   reply(a < b, fast_accepted)
| --- handle-fast-accept-replies       | ---
|                                      |
| for repl in replies:                 |
|   if repl.committed:                 |
|     return commit(repl)              |
|                                      |
| max_accepted = None                  |
| for repl in replies:                 |
|   if repl.accepted:                  |
|     return accept(repl)              |
|                                      |
| ab = 0                               |
| ba = 0                               |
| for repl in replies:                 |
|   if repl.accepted:                  |
|     return accept(repl)              |
|                                      |
|   if repl is from Lb:                |
|     continue                         |
|                                      |
|   if repl == (a<b):                  |
|     ab++                             |
|   else:                              |
|     ba++                             |
|                                      |
| if ab >= (n-2)-Qc+Qc/2:              |
|   return commit(b→a)                 |
|                                      |
| if ba >= (n-2)-Qc+Qc/2:              |
|   return commit(a→b)                 |
|                                      |
| if ab == 0 and count(replies) >= Qc: |
|   return accept(a→b)                 |
|                                      |
| if ba == 0 and count(replies) >= Qc: |
|   return accept(b→a)                 |
|                                      |
| accept(a↔b)                          |
| ---                                  | --- handle_accept_request(relation)
|                                      |
|                                      | save(relation)
|                                      |
| --- handle_accept_replies            | ---
|                                      |
| positive = 0                         |
| for repl in replies:                 |
|   if repl.ok:                        |
|     positive++                       |
|                                      |
| if positive >= Qc:                   |
|   commit(replies[0])                 |
|                                      |


ballot is the ballot number,

  • For FastAccept is always 2k.
  • For Accept ballot is 2k+1.
  • ballot in Commit message is useless.

TODO Changes:

If x is fast-committed:

  • If a reached Lx, then a know if x is committed, because Lx is the first to commit. Although there is chance x is committed after a reaches Lx, Lx broadcasts x is committed very likely earlier than another instance brings x is committed through its fast-accept request.

  • If a did not reach Lx, then a must have reached g - {La, Lx}, this prevent other value of a > y to commit. ∴ a > x is safe to fast commit.



  • The instance to recover is a.
  • The leader of a La is R0
  • The recovery process is P(P != R0).

Cases not need to recover:

After Preparing on a quorum(Qc):

  • If P saw La or Lb, exit and wait for La or Lb to commit.

  • If P saw a Commit phase a: broadcast a and quit.

  • If P saw a Accept phase a: run classic paxos with this value and quit.

P only need to recover if all of a it saw are in FastAccept phase.

Recover instance in FastAccept phase

After Prepare for relation a, b on a quorum, P could see different values a < b or b < a(a < b is the same as a ← b, because only a ← b can be set on this replica).

From TODO, Only

As the following diagram shows:

a      b            a<b           a>b
---    ---   ...    ---           ---
R0     R1    ...    Ri


          | a     a      a
        x | '→x    ↘      ↘
a       y |   y      y      y
---   --- | ---   ----   ----
R0    R1  | R2    R3     R4
La    Lb
down  down


                    | a     a       b    b    b
                    |  ↘     ↘     ↙    ↙    ↙ 
a       b           |   b     b   a    a    a  
---   ---  ---  --- | ---   ---   ---  ---  ---
La    Lb
down  down

FastCommit requires Qc/2+1 identical value in any Qc.

a → b is not FastCommit-ed. b → a is possible to be FastCommit-ed.

∴ There is at most one value of a, b that may have been FastCommit-ed.

∴ choose the value that has at least Qc/2+1. Otherwise choose the any value.

Then run Accept to decide it.

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