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Arjun Kalburgi edited this page Oct 7, 2016 · 5 revisions

For US 01.01.01: Use Case 01.01.01: Request rides between two points

  • Test 1: able to construct a Request obj - check has related methods
  • Test 2: specify point A and point B - return false/exception if A or B is missing
  • Test 3: request rides - cannot request if you are a driver or if invalid contact info

For US 01.02.01: Use Case 01.02.01: Show current requests

  • Test 1: a valid "pending" request features [{route}, {Contact Info}, price]
  • Test 2: list featuring valid requests - empty if no requests, scrollable if too many requests

For US 01.03.01: Use Case 01.03.01: Accept requests

  • Test 1: select a request to accept - indication that a request has been changed to "accepted"

For US 01.04.01: Use Case 01.04.01: Cancel requests

  • Test 1: remove request from current-requests list - cancellation should be reflected in driver's list as well

For US 01.05.01: Use Case 01.05.01: Phone/Email driver

  • Test 1: display driver info - construct intent with driver's info

For US 01.06.01: Use Case 01.06.01: Estimate fair fare

  • Test 1: Compute fare - return calculation based on point A and point B

For US 01.07.01: Confirm completion of a request and enable payment Use Case 01.07.01:

  • Test 1: see that request object changes from "accepted" to "confirmed"

For US 01.08.01: Use Case 01.08.01: Confirm driver

  • Test 1: see that request object changes from "accepted" to "confirmed"

For US 02.01.01: Use Case 02.01.01: View status of request

  • Test 1: return request's type and related information

For 03.01.01: Use Case 03.01.01: User profile creation

  • Test 1: can construct user object
  • Test 2: edit user object -> "get" user info with new changes

For 03.02.01: Use Case 03.02.01: Edit profile information

  • Test 1: queries server for uniqueness of username

For 03.03.01: Use Case 03.03.01: Retrieve user

  • Test 1: return User object using username

For US 04.01.01: Use Case 04.01.01: browse/search for open requests by geo-location

  • Test 1: return list of requests using specified location with default/specified radius

For US 04.02.01 Use Case 04.02.01: browse/search for open requests by keyword

  • Test 1: return list of requests using input by user

For US 05.01.01 Use Case 05.01.01: (driver) accept a request and accept payment

  • Test 1: View "pending" requests in search (04.01.01/04.01.02) and accept it ("pending"->"accepted")

For US 05.02.01 Use Case 05.02.01: (driver) view pending accepts with its description and locations.

  • Test 1: View accepted, non-confirmed requests

For US 05.03.01 Use Case 05.03.01: (driver) view acceptance accepted

  • Test 1: Get confirmation of ACK of acceptance

For US 05.04.01 Use Case 05.04.01: (driver) notified for accepted ride offer

  • Test 1: Get a notification that a ride was confirmed
  • Test 2: View "confirmed" requests

For US 08.01.01 Use Case 08.01.01: (driver) view driver's accepted requests while offline

  • Test 1: Persist 05.03.01

For US 08.02.01 Use Case 08.02.01: (rider) view requests made while offline

  • Test 1: Persist 05.04.01

For US 08.03.01 Use Case 08.03.01: (rider) make requests that are sent once online

  • Test 1: on resumed connectivity, send pending rider request to server

For US 08.04.01 Use Case 08.04.01: (driver) accept requests that are sent once online

  • Test 1: on resumed connectivity, send driver's accepted request to server

For US 10.01.01 Use Case 10.01.01: (rider) specify points A and B with a map

  • Test 1: Clicking two points on a map returns lat/long of the points

For US 10.02.01 Use Case 10.02.01: (driver) view points A and B with a map

  • Test 1: launch map view displaying points A and B
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