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Offline Behavior

Ryan Huard edited this page Nov 10, 2016 · 6 revisions
UC 08.01.01
Use Case Name View accepted requests when offline
Participating Actors Drivers
Goal To view accepted requests while offline
Trigger Driver chooses to view requests they have accepted
Precondition The driver has no internet connectivity
Postcondition The system provides the driver with the requests they have accepted
Basic Flow 1. The driver chooses to view the requests they have accepted
2. The system provides the requests the driver has accepted
Exceptions 2. The driver has no accepted requests
2.1 The system presents an empty list
Related Artifacts US 05.02.01, US 08.01.01
Test Cases Offline Tests
UC 08.02.01
Use Case Name View ride requests when offline
Participating Actors Riders
Goal To view ride requests while offline
Trigger Rider chooses to view requests they have made
Precondition The rider has no internet connectivity
Postcondition The system provides the rider with the requests they have made
Basic Flow 1. The rider chooses to view the requests they have made
2. The system provides the requests the rider has made
Exceptions 2. The rider has made no requests
2.1 The system provides an empty list
Related Artifacts US 01.02.01, US 08.02.01
Test Cases Offline Tests
UC 08.03.01
Use Case Name Make requests that will be sent once I get connectivity again
Participating Actors Rider
Goal To send all requests created offline when connectivity is reestablished
Trigger Rider requests ride while offline
Precondition Rider is offline
Postcondition Rider is online, and the system sent all requests made offline
Basic Flow 1. The rider makes a request while they are offline
2. The rider regains internet connectivity
3. The system sends the request that was made offline
Related Artifacts US 01.01.01, US 08.03.01
Test Cases Offline Tests
UC 08.04.01
Use Case Name Accept requests that will be sent once I get connectivity again
Participating Actors Driver
Goal To ensure all accepted requests are sent when connectivity is reestablished
Trigger Driver accepts a request while offline
Precondition Driver is offline
Postcondition Driver is online, and the system sent all the requests accepted
Basic Flow 1. The driver accepts a request while they are offline
2. The driver regains internet connectivity
3. The system sends the accepted request made offline
Related Artifacts US 05.01.01, US 08.04.01
Test Cases Offline Tests
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