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Ryan Huard edited this page Nov 28, 2016 · 12 revisions
UC 01.01.01
Use Case Name Request Ride
Participating Actors Rider
Goal To submit a ride request
Trigger Rider chooses to get a ride
Precondition The rider knows the start and end of their route
Postcondition The system sends a ride request
Basic Flow 1. System prompts rider to define starting and ending points
2. Rider selects starting point
3. Rider selects ending point
4. System suggest to the rider a fair fare for this trip
5. Rider chooses a fare to offer the driver
6. Rider submits request
7. System sends request for rider
Exceptions 7. System fails when attempting to send the request
7.1 Show error message and return to 4
Related Artifacts US 01.01.01, US 01.06.01, UC 10.01.01
Test Cases Request Tests
UC 01.02.01
Use Case Name Check current open requests
Participating Actors Rider
Goal To determine what current requests are open
Trigger Rider chooses to see active requests
Precondition Rider wants to browse their active requests
Postcondition System displays information about the rider's active request
Basic Flow 1. Rider chooses to see active requests
2. System loads all active requests
3. Rider can browse their current active requests
Exceptions 1. Rider has no active requests
1.1 Display an empty list and continue
2. System fails when attempting to retrieve the active requests
2.1 Show error banner indicating that loading failed and continue
Related Artifacts US 01.02.01
Test Cases Request Tests
UC 01.03.01
Use Case Name Notify Rider when request is accepted
Participating Actors Rider(Primary) and Driver(Secondary)
Goal To provide the Rider with a notification when their request is accepted by a driver
Trigger A driver accepts a riders request
Precondition The rider has an open request
Postcondition System notifies the rider of the accepted request
Basic Flow 1. Driver accepts a riders request
2. System sends an email to notify the rider
3. The system displays a notification to the rider in app
Exceptions 2. System fails when sending the notification email
2.1 Add e-mail to a send queue and periodically retry
Related Artifacts US 01.03.01, UC 05.01.01
Test Cases Request Tests
UC 01.04.01
Use Case Name Cancel a request
Participating Actors Rider
Goal To cancel a ride request
Trigger Rider chooses to cancel a request
Precondition A rider has an active request
Postcondition The system cancels the request
Basic Flow 1. Rider chooses a request they want to cancel
2. System cancels the specified request
Related Artifacts US 01.04.01
Test Cases Request Tests
UC 01.05.01
Use Case Name Contact driver who accepted a request via phone or email
Participating Actors Rider
Goal To contact the driver who accepted a request
Trigger Rider presses contact button
Precondition A driver has accepted the current rider's request
Postcondition The system phones or emails the driver
Basic Flow 1. Rider requests to contact the driver
2. System provides rider with the option to contact the driver via phone or email
3a. User selects to contact driver via phone
3b. User selects to contact driver via email
4a. System begins a phone call with the driver
4b. System opens a blank email addressed to the driver
Exceptions 4b. The rider has no email apps installed
4b.1 The system notifies the rider that they have no email apps and continues
Related Artifacts US 01.05.01
Test Cases Request Tests
UC 01.06.01
Use Case Name Confirm completion of request
Participating Actors Rider
Goal To complete a request that was carried out by a driver
Trigger The rider chooses to confirm a request
Precondition The rider accepted a ride from a driver
Postcondition The system completes the ride request
Basic Flow 1. Rider selects the ride they want to complete
2. The rider indicates that the request is completed
3. The system marks the request as completed
Related Artifacts US 01.07.01
Test Cases Request Tests
UC 01.07.01
Use Case Name Confirm a driver for a request
Participating Actors Rider
Goal Select a single driver to carry out the request
Trigger The rider chooses a driver to carry out their request
Precondition The rider has an accepted request
Postcondition The rider has selected a driver who accepted the request
Basic Flow 1. Rider selects a driver out of those who accepted the request
2. The system marks the request as accepted by both the rider and selected driver
Related Artifacts US 01.08.01
Test Cases Request Tests
UC 01.08.01
Use Case Name Descriptions of driver vehicles
Participating Actors Rider
Goal See a description of a driver's vehicle
Trigger The rider views a driver's profile
Precondition The rider has an accepted request
Postcondition The rider has been shown details of the driver's vehicle
Basic Flow 1. Rider views the list of accepted drivers
2. Rider chooses a driver to see more information about
3. System displays driver's details along with car information to the rider
Related Artifacts US 01.09.01
Test Cases User Profile Tests
UC 02.01.01
Use Case Name See the status of requests
Participating Actors Users
Goal To see the status of requests which the user is involved in
Trigger The user navigates to their request list
Precondition The user is involved in one or more requests
Postcondition System displays the status of the user's requests
Basic Flow 1. User requests the list of requests from the system
2. User browses the list of requests they are involved in
Exceptions 1. An error occurs while fetching the requests from the system
1.1 Display an empty list and a message indicating that the requests could not be loaded
Related Artifacts US 01.01.01, US 01.07.01, US 01.08.01, US 02.01.01, US 05.01.01, US 08.01.01
Test Cases Request Tests
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