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Loonman edited this page Oct 12, 2016 · 4 revisions
US 10.01.01
Use Case Name Specification of start and end geo-location
Participating Actors Rider
Goal To allow a rider to specify the start and end locations of their trip on a map
Trigger The creation of a new request by a rider
Precondition The rider wants to create a new request
Postcondition The rider's request has start and end geo-locations attached
Basic Flow 1. The rider creates a new request
2. The rider is shown a map to choose the start and end locations for their request
3. The rider chooses the start location
4. The rider chooses the end location
5. The rider can move/modify the end and start locations to their liking
6. The rider confirms the locations
Exceptions 1. The mapping service fails
Related Artifacts US 01.01.01, US 10.02.01
Open Issues
Test Cases 1.
US 10.02.01
Use Case Name Viewing of start and end geo-locations
Participating Actors Driver
Goal To display to the driver the start and end geo-locations of a trip on a map
Trigger The driver request more information on a request
Precondition There are open requests for the driver to investigate
Postcondition A map view is launched to show the driver the geo-locations
Basic Flow 1. Driver picks an open request
2. The driver clicks a button to open a map view
3. The driver is shown a map view with the start and end geo-locations clearly marked
Exceptions 1. The mapping service fails
Related Artifacts US 01.01.01, US 10.01.01
Open Issues
Test Cases 1.
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