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Daniel Dietsch edited this page Sep 13, 2015 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the ULTIMATE wiki!


  • Download and Installation
  • [wiki:Troubleshooting]
  • [wiki:ThirdPartySoftware Third party software shipped with Ultimate]
  • [wiki:ListOfContributors List of contributors]
  • [wiki:AddDeveloper How-to add new developer]
  • [ Jenkins] [ Sonar]

Outdated Pages

  • [wiki:OldStart Old Trac-Startpage]
  • [wiki:ToolChains Toolchain Description]
  • [wiki:UltimatePluginTemplate]
  • [wiki:Plugins Plugin Maintenance]

Ultimate 2.0

  • [wiki:StalinTwoReqs Requirements from Ultimate 2.0(in german)]
  • [wiki:StalinTwoDocumentation Ultimate 2.0 Documentation]

Ultimate Build System

  • [wiki:Build/Overview Overview]
  • [wiki:Build/Run_Maven_Tests]


SMTInterpol/Ultimate Besprechung

  • [wiki:Besprechungthemen]

Neue [wiki:Projekte]



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