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Build RunMavenTests

Matthias Heizmann edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 2 revisions

Run an Ultimate test suite

  1. Switch to the folder trunk/source/BA_MavenParentUltimate
  2. Execute mvn clean integration-test -Pmanualtest -Dtest=MyUltimateTestSuite, where MyUltimateTestSuite is a class that extends UltimateTestSuite

The results are written to the following folder. trunk/source/UltimateTest/target/surefire-reports Note that an effect of the ''clean'' argument is that all files in this folder will be deleted. (You can also omit the ''clean'' argument, but in some cases this will lead to strange outputs of Ultimate.)

If you want to run your tests with assertions enabled (-ea) you have to execute the following command instead.

_JAVA_OPTIONS="-enableassertions" mvn clean integration-test -Pmanualtest -Dtest=MyUltimateTestSuite

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