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Dynamic POR for Verification of Concurrent Programs with Loops

maul.esel edited this page Feb 9, 2023 · 6 revisions

Project Goal





  • Eclipse, again
  • contract for SetBacktrackingPoints; try the proof
  • for now: backtrack all conflicts, not only the latest (simplifies the proofs, may be necessary because we don't have processes)
  • variations on definition of L-persistent: prefixes of accepted words, perhaps minimal i
  • alternative definition of L-persistent: restrict M to letters in L


  • necessary spec for disabling relation
  • break down correctness proofs into smaller lemmas, using weakly L-persistent sets
  • project-specific Java version setting cause of Ultimate compilation failure?


  • actions f_a(q) that need to be executed to enable another action a (replacement for next(p)) -- formal definition (similar to membranes)
  • membranes instead of a_1...a_n \in L(A) -> a_1...a_n t \in L(A)



  • definition of "thread-equivalence" -- is it an equivalence, is it well-defined?
  • problems with disabling actions "of other processes"
  • one example where the algorithm seems to miss an equivalence class
  • possible procedure contracts


  • discussion of input requirements; formal definition of requirements on "threads" assignment (seems like simply an equivalence relation)
  • pseudocode, in particular processes and preference order
  • Ultimate setup


  • why do equivalent words not always lead to the same states
  • ICFGs: interprocedural control flow graphs, i.e., control flow graphs with special edges for fork and join
  • replacement for "process" notion in DPOR: definition based solely on language (which can be checked on Petri net), or definition directly on Petri net structure
  • Petri nets & Petri programs
  • Ultimate setup

Current Tasks

  • continue proof of SetBacktrackPoints
  • Dominik: sanity check for variations of L-persistent definition
  • try to come up with monotonic definition of persistent (any superset of a "persistent" set is also "persistent")
  • Eclipse setup

Work Packages

  • Theoretic Foundation of DPOR
    • Input requirements
    • Happens-before relation
    • Translation of DPOR algorithm
    • Correctness theorem
  • Implementation
    • Architecture Planning
    • Clock Vectors
    • DPOR algorithm
  • Unit Tests & Debugging
  • Integration Tests & Debugging
  • Evaluation
  • Thesis
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