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Use Cases

Thomas Scherz edited this page Jan 6, 2020 · 16 revisions

As An: Unauthenticated User

  • I should not be able to see any content in the portfolio So that content is protected from people who should not see it
  • I want to be able to submit basic details for my new application to the portfolio So that my application can be tracked by the portfolio (admins receive an email notification of this submission)

As An: Authenticated User with Viewer Role

  • I want to see all software records, but not create, edit, or delete them. So that I can access application details (excluding sensitive details)

As An: Authenticated User with Owner Role

  • I want to create new software records and edit my existing records So that I can manage my own applications

As An: Authenticated User with Admin Role

  • I want to create, edit, manage roles, and deactivate/delete user accounts So that I can give appropriate access to staff

As An: Authenticated User with Manager or Admin Role

  • I want to create, view, edit, and delete any software records I want to create, view, and edit software types and vendors So that I have full control over all portfolio content except for user management

As An: Authenticated User with Manager or Admin Role

  • I want to be able to store information like software keys and passwords in software records So that I have a place to securely store sensitive information related to an application (imagine us being able to move the content in our config_vault repo into the app portfolio)

As A: Library IT Members

I want to be able to:

  • Find out who to assign a Help Call for an application
  • Find out who the last time an application was updated
  • Add a new application to the portfolio
  • Add an upgrade to a current application
  • Decommission an application.

As A: Application Developer

I want to be able to:

  • Add a new application to the portfolio
  • Update the development status of an application
  • Decommission an application
  • Get an email when an application is created

As A: Department Heads

I want to be able to:

  • See all of the applications in use by my department


I want to be able to:

  • Find out who manages an application
  • Find out which applications are scheduled for an upgrade

As A: Submitter

I want to be able to:

  • See all of the applications in use by my department

As A: Faculty / Staff

I want to be able to:

  • See all of the applications in use by my department