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Style parameter changes for 4.2

Igor edited this page Aug 12, 2024 · 1 revision

This page lists style settings that were added or had their default values changed between the releases of MuseScore 4.1 and 4.2.

Settings with updated defaults

Setting XML Name 4.1 Default 4.2 Default Reference PR
ArpeggioNoteDistance 0.5sp 0.4sp #19734
ArpeggioAccidentalDistance 0.5sp 0.3sp #19734
defaultsVersion 400 420
hairpinLinePosAbove (0, -3) (0, -1.5) #18416
hairpinLinePosBelow (0, 4) 0, 2.5) #18416
pedalText "" "<sym>keyboardPedalPed</sym>" #19666
pedalContinueText "" "(<sym>keyboardPedalPed</sym>)" #19666

Added settings

Setting XML Name Default Description Reference PR
glissandoStyle 0 (chromatic)
glissandoStyleHarp 3 (diatonic)
Bend line thickness - standard stave guitarBendLineWidth 0.13sp #19746, #20242
Bend line thickness - tablature guitarBendLineWidthTab 0.15sp #20242
guitarBendHeightAboveTABStaff 1.5 in units of TAB line distance #19746
guitarBendPartialBendHeight 1.5sp #19746
Label for full bends guitarBendUseFull 0 (false) false → "1", true → "full" #19746
Bend arrow width guitarBendArrowWidth 1.0sp #19746
Bend arrow height guitarBendArrowHeight 1.0sp #19746
pedalHookText "" #19666
pedalContinueHookText "" #19666
pedalRosetteEndText "<sym>keyboardPedalUp</sym>" #19666
stringTuningsFontSize 9pt #20253
Tie placement on single notes tiePlacementSingleNote "outside" "outside" or "inside" #19127
Tie placement on chords tiePlacementChord "outside" "outside" or "inside" #19127
tieMinShoulderHeight 0.3sp #19127
tieMaxShoulderHeight 2.0sp #19127
Use cue sized fret numbers for grace note bends useCueSizeFretForGraceBends 0 (false) #19746




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