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Style parameter changes for 4.1

Igor edited this page Aug 12, 2024 · 1 revision

This page lists style settings that were added, removed, renamed, or had their default values changed between the releases of MuseScore 4.0 and 4.1.

The following setting is always reset to the new defaults when migrating a score to 4.1: chordLineThickness.

Settings with updated defaults

Setting XML Name 4.0 Default 4.1 Default Reference PR
articulationAnchorLuteFingering 4 1
Minimum multi-measure rest width minMMRestWidth 4sp 6sp #15778
chordLineThickness 0.006sp (!) 0.16sp #16292
defaultsVersion 400 410
palmMutePosAbove (0, -4) (0, 0)
palmMutePosBelow (0, 4) (0, 0)

Added settings

Setting XML Name Default Description Reference PR
expressionPosAbove (0, -1.5) #18501
expressionPosBelow (0, 2.5) #18501
expressionMinDistance 0.5
harpPedalDiagram* - Font, frame and placement settings for harp pedal diagrams #12597
harpPedalTextDiagram* - Font frame and placement settings for harp pedal text diagrams #12597
tempoChange* - Comprehensive text style settings for the new gradual tempo change type #15822
Default vertical offset multiVoiceRestTwoSpaceOffset 0 (false) Offset rests in multiple voices vertically by 2sp if true, by 1sp if false #16719
Override score font dynamicsOverrideFont false Use a different font for dynamics than the prevailing music font #17001
Font dynamicsFont "Leland" Font to use for dynamics, if overridden #17001
Scale dynamicsSize 1.0 Scaling factor for size of dynamics #17001
Avoid bar lines avoidBarLines true Dynamics should avoid barlines #17001
Snap to dynamic snapToDynamics true Expression marks on same note as a dynamic should snap to the dynamic #17001
Alignment with notehead centerOnNotehead true Dynamics item with additional text should center the dynamic on the notehead #17001
Articulation alignment when positioned at the stem articulationStemHAlign 2 (average) Options: stem, notehead, average #17303
Combined articulations articulationKeepTogether true Prefer keeping articulations close together where some are inside stave and some outside #17303
minStraightGlissandoLength 1.2sp Minimum length for a straight glissando line #17744
minWigglyGlissandoLength 2.0sp Minimum length for a wiggly glissando line #17744
pedalText ""
pedalContinueText ""
pedalEndText ""
preferSameStringForTranspose 0 (false)

Removed settings

These settings were introduced in 4.0 but never exposed or meaningfully used, and were removed as they became redundant.

XML Name Reference PR
minStaffSizeForAutoStems #17419
smallStaffStemDirection #17419

Renamed settings

To fix typos.

Old XML Name New XM name Reference PR
pedalListStyle pedalLineStyle #12133




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