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A pre-processing toolkit for 5mC calling from HBS-seq data.

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PP5mC is a pre-processing toolkit for calling 5-methylcytosines (5mC), from hairpin bisulfite sequencing (HBS-seq) data.

This software was developed while I was a PhD student at the University of Adelaide. The results have not appeared in a publication, but interested readers are enouraged to read chapter 5 from my PhD thesis.

Gower, G (2019),


Ligation of a hairpin adapter onto double stranded DNA enables simultaneous sequencing of the top and bottom strands. This is a useful precursor step to bisulfite sequencing as the original four nucleotide states can be recovered prior to mapping, in addition to the cytosine methylation status. PP5mC is a collection of tools written in C for processing hairpin-ligated bisulfite-treated sequencing data prior to analysis. We provide shell scripts implementing a basic pipeline for use on Unix workstations, and a more sophisticated pipeline written in Python for compute clusters using the Slurm job manager. Pipeline stages include: reconstruction of original nucleotide sequences from paired-end reads (foldreads); alignment to a reference, PCR deduplication, and indel realignment; recording nucleotide pairing statistics for positions upstream, within, and downstream of aligned reads (scanbp); and counting methylated/unmethylated cytosines at all CpG, CHG, and CHH contexts covered by alignments (mark5mC). PP5mC also includes a read simulator (simhbs) for hairpin and regular non-hairpin bisulfite sequencing, which we use to show that foldreads reconstructs sequences with greater accuracy, and is an order of magnitude faster, than HBS-tools, the only comparable software.


The core parts of PP5mC are written in C, and thus requires a C compiler (tested with GCC v5.5.0). The Slurm pipeline, and several helper scripts, were written in Python (tested with v2.7.15). While PP5mC was developed and tested only on Linux, its components are expected to work on *BSD, MacOSX, etc., without major modifications (feedback welcome!). The following libraries are required:

  • zlib, used by foldreads for decompressing gzipped fastq files;
  • htslib, used by scanbp and mark5mC to parse bam files; and
  • matplotlib, used by plotting scripts.

In addition, the full processing pipelines require BWA, samtools, and GATK.


Clone the git repository, then build with make. You may wish to edit the Makefile to statically link with htslib, and/or to specify its path.


A shell script pipeline for unix workstations is provided which implements a minimal working pipeline that: (1) reconstructs reads with foldreads; (2) aligns reconstructed reads with bwa mem -C; (3) merges different libraries for the same sample; (4) removes PCR duplicates; (5) realigns reads around indels using GATK; (6) records and plots nucleotide pairing frequencies with scanbp; and (7) calls methylation status at all CpG, CHG, and CHH contexts with mark5mC.

The Slurm pipeline follows roughly the same stages, and is further documented here.

Most of the tools included with PP5mC provide some usage information if they are invoked without any parameters.

Reconstructing original target molecules

The foldreads command attempts to "fold" input sequences back together at the hairpin, thereby reconstructing the original sequences. It takes two HBS-seq FASTQ files as input, and outputs the reconstructed sequences to stdout (also in FASTQ format). Multiple hairpin sequences may be specified (-p/-P parameters can be specified multiple times), and foldreads searches for hairpins in the order in which they are specified.

$ ./foldreads 
Error: must specify input files.
foldreads v12
usage: ./foldreads [...] -1 IN1.FQ -2 IN2.FQ
 -o OUT.FQ         Fastq output file [stdout]
 -m FILE           Metrics output file [stderr]
 -u PREFIX         Filename prefix for unfolded reads []
 -P SEQ            The hairpin SEQ (unmethylated and will be C->T converted)
 -1 IN1.FQ[.GZ]    R1 fastq input file
 -2 IN2.FQ[.GZ]    R2 fastq input file
 -T SEQ            Adapter SEQuence trailing R1 (p7) [AGATCGGAAGAGCACACG...]
 -B SEQ            Adapter SEQuence trailing R2 (p5) [AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGT...]

The FASTQ file output by foldreads contains additional tab separated fields in the comment section following the @<read name>.

r1:Z:<read 1 sequence>
q1:Z:<PHRED+33 quality scores for read 1>
r2:Z:<read 2 sequence>
q2:Z:<PHRED+33 quality scores for read 2>
hp:Z:<hairpin sequence specified with -p or -P that matched this read>


foldreads collects some statistics from the reads that it processes, which are printed to stderr by default, or to a file if specified with the -m parameter. In particular, foldreads records the number of reads processed (NR), the number of reads successfully reconstructed (NF), the number in which the full hairpin sequence was observed (NH), the number of occasions the hairpin was found in different positions in read 1 and read 2 (ND), and the number of hairpins identified for each hairpin sequence specified with -p or -P. The metrics file is human readable, but has been constructed to make it easy to extract fields with awk.

$ awk '/^NR/ {print $2}' SRR919306.metrics.txt
$ awk '/^NF/ {print $2}' SRR919306.metrics.txt
$ awk '/^NR/ {nreads=$2} /^NF/ {nfolded=$2} END {print nfolded/nreads}' SRR919306.metrics.txt

A read length histogram is recorded in the metrics, and is also fitted to a truncated lognormal distribution. Observed fragment lengths are no longer than the read length (and may be shorter if a hairpin is found, or if bases are trimmed due to coincidental matches with a hairpin sequence), so the distribution is truncated near the read length. Fitting to a lognormal works well when the fragment length distribution is not truncated by the read length too heavily (e.g. see test_fit.c).

Colouring reads

To diagnose the kinds of molecules that were sequenced, one generally has to look at the raw reads. its useful to have a visual aid when looking at raw reads. We provide a script,, which provides a visual aid to help diagnose the kinds of molecules that were sequenced. It outputs HTML or LaTeX code that adds different colours to distinguish HBS-seq features. The script is rather ad-hoc, but very useful. To look at the first 25 reads that were successfully reconstructed with foldreads, try:

$ -n 25 SRR919306.folded.fq.gz > SRR919306.folded.html

Which produces this output, where R1 and R2 are the original reads sequenced, FS is the sequence reconstructed with foldreads, and FQ are the quality scores for reconstructed bases. Here is a key to the font type/colour in the output:

type/colour feature
yellow background hairpin
cyan background adapter
dark blue text T/C or G/A (bisulfite converted bases)
red text C/C or G/G (unconverted bases)
magenta text mismatches, or N
underline base with Q<=20

If used with folded reads, looks at the extra fields in the comment section of the FASTQ to obtain the original read 1/2 sequences, and to determine the hairpin sequence to be coloured. But reads that have not been folded can also be coloured. In this case, the hairpin sequence needs to be specified (for the data from Zhao et al., the hairpins are unmethylated, so the -u flag was used).

$ -n 25 -u -p ACGCCGGCGGCAAGTGAAGCCGCCGGCGT SRR919306.unfolded_r1.fq SRR919306.unfolded_r2.fq > SRR919306.unfolded.html

The output from reads which could not be folded show large numbers of mismatches, and may indicate non-canonical HBS-seq molecules, such as adapter dimers or molecules with Y-adapters ligated to both ends.

Read alignment and optional SAM fields.

Reads are aligned using bwa mem -C. The BWA manual states the following about using the -C flag:

-C 	Append FASTA/Q comment to SAM output. This option can be used to
	transfer read meta information (e.g. barcode) to the SAM output. Note
	that the FASTA/Q comment (the string after a space in the header line)
	must conform the SAM spec (e.g. BC:Z:CGTAC). Malformated comments lead
	to incorrect SAM output. 

We note that bwa aln contains no equivalent flag, however we have submitted a pull request to add this feature. After being transferred into the SAM/BAM file by bwa mem -C, the additional fields are used by scanbp and mark5mC.

M-bias plots

Because HBS-seq produces observations for both the top and bottom strands of target molecules, we take advantage of the additional information when creating M-bias plots. These plots are used to look at the frequency of methylation calls as a function of read position, and can indicate library artefacts such as ligation bias. The scanbp command uses the read pileup to record the frequency of different nucleotide pairs at each position within reads, as well as positions upstream and downstream of where the read mapped.

$ ./scanbp SRR919306.GRCm38.bam > SRR919306.ntpairs.txt
$ ./ --title "SRR919306.GRCm38" SRR919306.ntpairs.txt SRR919306.ntpairs.pdf

Methylation calling

Regular BS-seq tools are not directly usable for methylation calling from HBS-seq data, so we provide the mark5mC command to do this. From a visual inspection of the nucleotide pairing plots, one can identify how many bases at each end of the reads where methylation calls may not be trustworthy, and specify their exclusion with -5 and -3 parameters to mark5mC.

$ ./mark5mC -5 10 -3 10 SRR919306.bam GRCm38.fasta | gzip -c - > methlist.txt.gz

The output file is a (bed compatible) tab separated file, indicating the depth, and number of C/mC observations, and the strand/context for the observations. The C and mC columns may not sum to the depth, due to heterozygosity or differences between the reference and the sequenced individual.

$ zcat methlist.txt.gz | head
chrom   pos-0   pos-1   strand  depth   C       mC      context
chr1    3000241 3000242 +       1       1       0       CAT
chr1    3000244 3000245 +       1       1       0       CCA
chr1    3000245 3000246 +       1       1       0       CAG
chr1    3000247 3000248 -       1       1       0       CTG
chr1    3000248 3000249 -       1       1       0       CCT
chr1    3000253 3000254 +       2       2       0       CCT
chr1    3000254 3000255 +       2       2       0       CTG
chr1    3000256 3000257 -       2       2       0       CAG
chr1    3000257 3000258 -       2       2       0       CCA

This list of methylation calls can be converted to the pileOmeth format, or the methylkit format, using the script provided.

Simulating HBS-seq reads

The simhbs command can be used to simulate HBS-seq or regular BS-seq reads, from a specified FASTA reference sequence.

$ ./simhbs 
simhbs v1
usage: ./simhbs [...] ref.fa
 -b FLOAT       Bisulfite conversion rate [0.980]
 -e FLOAT       Sequencing error rate [0.001]
 -E FILE1,FILE2 Empirical error profiles, from `qualprofile'
                  FILE1 specifies the profile for read 1, FILE2 for read 2
 -m {bs,hp,pal} Molecule type to simulate, one of:
                  bs - regular MethylC-seq [default]
                  hp - hairpin-bisulfite seq
                  pal - Star et al. (2014) palindromes, bisulfite treated
 -n INT         Number of sequences to simulate [100]
 -o STR         Output prefix for fastq files [simhbs]
 -r INT         Read length [150]
 -s FLOAT of LogNormal molecule length [0.250]
 -u FLOAT       mean of LogNormal molecule length [4.000]

For example, to simulate 10000 HBS-seq reads from the human genome, using a flat sequencing error rate of 0.2% per base, a 99% bisulfite conversion efficiency, a 100 bp read length, and a lognormal(mu=5.0, sigma=0.4) fragment length distribution:

$ ./simhbs -b 0.99 -e 0.002 -m hp -n 10000 -r 100 -u 5.0 -s 0.4 GRCh38.chr15.fasta

An easy way to decide on appropriate parameters for the lognormal length distribution of the underlying target molecules, is to plot the distribution. E.g., using R to plot the default fragment length distribution:

R> fraglens=0:400
R> plot(fraglens, dlnorm(fraglens, 5.0, 0.4), "l")

Which produces the following plot:

Quality score profiles

A flat error rate is not overly realistic. simhbs can also be used with empirical error profiles. To generate a profile, we provide the qualprofile command, which records the mean quality scores at each position in the reads, and the covariance matrix, for a given FASTQ. Sufficient accuracy does not require a large number of reads, so qualprofile is hard coded to exit after 100000 reads. Separate profiles should be created for read 1 and for read 2.

$ ./qualprofile illumina-nextseq-r1.fastq.gz > profile.INS.r1.txt
$ ./qualprofile illumina-nextseq-r2.fastq.gz > profile.INS.r2.txt

The profiles can be plotted to show the mean quality scores along the reads, with ribbons representing one standard deviation either side of the mean, and heatmaps showing the covariance of quality scores in different positions.

$ ./ profile.INS.pdf profile.INS.r1.txt profile.INS.r2.txt

The -E parameter to simhbs can be used to simulate quality scores by sampling from a multivariate normal distribution for each read (with means and covariance matrix as recorded by qualprofile). Sequencing errors (single base substitutions) are then added, with the probability of error determined by the the quality score.


A pre-processing toolkit for 5mC calling from HBS-seq data.






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