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File metadata and controls

272 lines (225 loc) · 11.5 KB

Pre-processing reads is a multi-stage endeavour that encompasses read merging, mapping, and calling methylation state. This may be computationally intensive, and thus it is advantageous to do the processing on a cluster. This folder contains scripts implementing a flexible pipeline for doing such processing using the Slurm workload manager.

Pipeline stages:

  1. Recovery of original sequence from Hairpin-ligated Bisulfite-treated reads (PP5mC/foldreads).
  2. Map reads (BWA-mem).
  3. Merge sequencing runs for the same library (samtools merge).
  4. Duplicate removal (PP5mC/ imported from Paleomix).
  5. Merge libraries for the same sample (samtools merge).
  6. Realign around indels (1. $gatk -T RealignerTargetCreator, 2. $gatk -T IndelRealigner, 3. samtools calmd).
  7. Mark C/5mC states for each locus, from the pileup (PP5mC/mark5mC).
  8. Summary statistics and plots (PP5mC/scanbp).
  9. samtools flagstat
  10. samtools stat
  11. samtools bedcov

The pipeline does not do variant calling or differential methylation analysis.


  1. Install the dependencies:

  2. Clone the PP5mC git repository, and build the C source files (type make).

  3. Export the gatk environment variable, specifying how to run GATK (see note below).

Configuring the pipeline

Configuration is separated into two logical components, data to be processed, and cluster resource usage for each pipeline stage. Both components are specified in a JSON format configuration file.

Data specification

A "samples" object contains stanzas for each sample to be processed. Each sample stanza may contain one or more library, and each library contains one or more sequencing run. Each sequencing run specifies two input files, the first must be the read 1 fastq file (R1) and the second must be the read 2 fastq file (R2). It is assumed that these files contain the strings 'R1' and 'R2'.

If all fastq files are contained under a common subdirectory, this may be specified with the "prefix" object. Sample ids, library ids, and run ids are all free form fields wherin punctuation is allowed. However, these ids will be used in filenames, so there may be limitations imposed by the filesystem.

    "prefix": "/path/to/fastq/files",
    "samples": {
        "Sample1": {
            "Lib1": {
                "MiSeq-20170801" : [
                "HiSeq-20171004" : [
            "Lib2": {
                "MiSeq-20170801" : [
        "Sample2": {
            "Lib1": {
                "MiSeq-20170801" : [

A "refs" object specifies the set of genome references to which the data should be aligned. Each reference is given a "key" which will be used in filenames to indicate the data corresponds to a particular reference.

    "refs": {
        "UMD311": "/path/to/refs/Bos_taurus/UMD_3.1.1/UMD311.fasta"
        "Lambda": "/path/to/refs/Lambda/Lambda.fasta"

Cluster resources

A basic familiarity with Slurm is assumed.

Slurm provides a convenient framework for cluster administrators to limit resource utilisation such that each user is given fair access to resources. Unfortunately, this also makes the job of the user more complex. In particular, it is not possible a priori to make accurate guesses about the resources that are required for a given job. The best one can do is run a small job on a subset of one's data, requesting more resources than are thought to be required, then look at the resources that were actually used and scale that up for a job with the full amount of data. We first describe how to specify the resource utilisation in the PP5mC pipeline, then discuss how a test job can be created for fine tuning resource requests on your cluster.

Specifying resources

In the config file, a "resources" object contains a stanza for each stage of the pipeline. Within each stanza, resources may be specified as name-value pairs. The resources that may be requested are memory usage ("mem"), cpu count ("cpus"), and run time ("secs", "mins", or "hours"). Each resource may be specified using a fixed value, or as a value that will be mulitplied by the size of the input data (the sum of all relevant fastq.gz input files). Resource names starting with an underscore are fixed, while those without an underscore correspond to the resource units per Mb of input data.

The "queue" object specifies a Slurm queue to which the jobs will be submitted. If none is specified, the default queue will be used.

    "queue": "batch",
    "resources": {
	    "01:fold": {"_mem":"16M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "02:map": {"_mem":"16G", "_cpus":4, "secs":5},
            "03:mergeruns": {"_mem":"128M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "04:dedup": {"_mem":"128M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "05:mergelibs": {"_mem":"128M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "06:realign1": {"_mem":"12G", "_cpus":4, "secs":1},
            "06:realign2": {"_mem":"3G", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "06:realign3": {"_mem":"128M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "07:mark5mC": {"_mem":"256M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "08:scanbp": {"_mem":"512M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "09:flagstat": {"_mem":"256M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "10:stats": {"_mem":"512M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1},
            "11:bedcov": {"_mem":"512M", "_cpus":1, "secs":1}

Actually, the PP5mC pipeline does not require the full generality provided by this framework. Typically, the "_mem" object should be used, as all pipeline stages have a fixed memory overhead, or overhead that does not scale linearly with the job size. The "_cpus" object should be used, to specify a single cpu for all stages, except "03:map" and "06:realign1", where "_cpus" should indicate the desired number of threads for BWA and $gatk -T RealignerTargetCreator respectively.

We suggest that resource scaling be used only for the time objects ("secs" or perhaps "mins"). See section below on running a test pipeline, in order to obtain reasonable values, including a scaled value for "secs".

A note regarding java and GATK

The PP5mC pipeline uses subcommands provided by the Genome Analysis ToolKit (GATK), which is implemented in java. Hence, you will need java and GATK installed to use the pipeline. The pipeline uses the $gatk environment variable to call GATK, which you should export into the environment from which you're running PP5mC. I.e. before using the pipeline, run something like:

export gatk='java -Xmx2g -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -jar /path/to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar'

The maximum heap size for a java application can be set using -Xmx<M>, where <M> indicates the amount of memory to reserve for the process. The command above reserves 2 Gb of heap space. The heap is just a name for the space from which memory is drawn, as the application requests it. If the java application requests more memory than this, those requests will fail and the application will likely terminate with an out of memory error. In this case, the maximum heap space must be increased. The stack is another area of memory, distinct from the heap, that is typically used for holding an application's local variables. The stack need not be as large as the heap (in general), but each application thread is given its own stack space, whereas application threads share the heap. The maximum stack size can be altered, but this is not usually necessary. The default stack size is on the order of 1 Mb, and thus contributes little to overall memory usage unless the application uses a very large number of threads.

It is important to be aware that the java virtual machine consumes resources separately to those used by the java application. Perhaps unexpectedly, specifying the maximum heap space does not provide an upper limit on the amount of memory that will be used when running a java application. The default garbage collector implemented in java (ParallelGCThreads) will create 1 thread per CPU up to 8 CPUs + 5/8 per CPU afterwards. This means that on a 32 core cluster node, java will spawn 23 threads behind your back. What's more, each garbage collection thread has a non-negligible memory overhead---distinct from the heap space. We strongly recommend limiting the maximum heap size (-Xmx) and the number of garbage collector threads (-XX:ParallelGCThreads). The "_mem" resource object for the "06:realign1" and "06:realign2" pipeline stages should be set higher than the value specified with -Xmx to account for the java virtual machine overhead. An additional 1-2 Gb ought to be sufficient, depending on the number of garbage collector threads.

Running the pipeline

After writing a configuration file (e.g. config.json), first do a "dry run" of the pipeline. This will not submit any jobs to Slurm, but will perform basic checks on the configuration, create a job dependency graph, and write job scripts to the acct/ folder. --dryrun config.json

We recommend looking at the dependency_graph.pdf output file to confirm the configuration conforms to expectation, prior to launching the pipeline with: config.json

Files/folders and hierarchy

The files created by the pipeline are:

dependency_graph.pdf ~ A graph showing which pipeline tasks depend on which other tasks, and the resources requested for each.

acct/ ~ Folder containing job scripts and Slurm output.

Sample1/ ~ Folder containing intermediate files pertaining to sample named "Sample1"

Sample1/Lib1 ~ Folder containing intermediate files pertaining to library named "Lib1" belonging to sample "Sample1"

Sample1.UMD11.bam ~ Final alignment file for sample "Sample1", aligned to reference "UMD11".

Sample1.UMD11.methlist.txt.gz ~ Tab separated file containing counts of C/5mC calls for each cytosine in the Sample1.UMD11.bam alignment.

Sample1.UMD11.methylkit.{CpG,CHG,CHH}.txt.gz ~ Methylkit format output files.

Sample1.UMD11.pileOmeth.{CpG,CHG,CHH}.txt.gz ~ PileOmeth (now MethylDackel) format output files.

Running a test pipeline

In order to best utilise cluster resources, run the pipeline on a subset of your data first, using a relaxed set of resource constraints. We provide a script (, which takes your config file and dependency_graph as parameters, to query Slurm regarding resource usage for completed jobs. The script then outputs values for use in the config file's resources stanza. config.json dependency_graph