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cobalt2727 edited this page Apr 23, 2021 · 5 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the scripts compatible with other devices than the Nintendo Switch
Testing in other devices hasn't been made and we can't assure it will work. The scripts are optimized to work with an ARM64 architecture

Its possible to install [Insert program or game here]?
Thanks to the Nintendo Switch architecture, the programs or games that are possible to use on the Nintendo Switch are pretty limited. But if you want to, you can enter the Discord server and lets us a request under the #featured-request channel

Its possible to install Steam?
Short answer: No
Long answer: Nooooooooooooo
Longer answer: Sadly enough, Steam doesn't have a 64-bit ARM client, so at the moment it's impossible for us to install it. Down the line it may be feasible to emulate x86 to get Steam running (although performance will be heavily handicapped, probably equivalent to computers from the early 2010s), but until that happens you'll have to rely on game streaming via Moonlight, a PC, and a good network connection (preferably ethernet) to run Steam games on your Switch.

Why is Citra broken on Ubuntu 18.04 but not 20.04 or 20.10?
Due to the build of QT on 18.04's APT repo being older than the required version, it's impossible to install Citra if you are using 18.04 at the moment. We would try to build QT manually... but the Switch is just too weak to complete the compiling process. We're looking into finding PPAs to get backports of QT up and running, but the ones currently out there don't support aarch64.

Can I add my own scripts?
Absolutely! Just fork the git repo, add what you need and then do a Pull Request (PR)

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