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Box64 (Experimental)

cobalt2727 edited this page Mar 5, 2022 · 3 revisions

Box64 allows you to run x86_64 compiled linux binaries/programs/applications/games on arm64 hardware (like the Switch). Box64 uses the native versions of some "system" libraries, like libc, libm, SDL, and OpenGL, it's easy to integrate and use with most applications, and performance can be surprisingly high in many cases.

Installation is simple with the Megascript and comes with a couple of custom features. The Megascript will add Box64 to your applications list for you to launch programs through a GUI file selection. In addition, there is a Box64 Application Helper application that helps you add your x86_64 games/programs/applications to your applications list (so you can launch them with a simple click).

Not everything is compatibile and Box64 is still in its early days. Test out your x86_64 games/programs/applications from the terminal by running

box64 /path/to/my/program
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