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Releases: charmbracelet/bubbles


18 Sep 18:57
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v2.0.0-alpha.1 Pre-release


New Features

Bug fixes

Dependency updates

Other work

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06 Sep 16:18
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Focus. Breathe.

This features support for Bubble Tea's new focus-blur feature as well as a quality-of-life update to paginator. Enjoy!


You heard that right. Focus-blur window events are now enabled for textinput and textarea which were recently added to Bubble Tea v1.1.0. As long as WithReportFocus is enabled in your Program you'll automatically get nicer inputs.

To enable focus reporting:

p := tea.NewProgram(model{}, tea.WithReportFocus())

Remember to stay focused and hydrated!

Paginator opts

Speaking of functional arguments, paginator also received some some new quality-of-life startup options, courtesy @nervo.

p := paginator.New(

Of course, you can still set the values on the model directly too:

p := paginator.New()
p.PerPage = 42
p.TotalPages = 24

Happy paging!




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20 Aug 20:13
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Bugs? Squashed (along with a few nice lil’ features).

Community-Driven Development?! Yep, the majority of the changes in this release were done by the community. Thank you all for your contributions that made this release possible.

Progress: custom chars

You can now customize the filled and empty characters of the progress bar.

p := progress.New(progress.WithFillCharacters('>', '.'))

progress bar example

Table improvements

Help is on the way

Table now includes a short and full help view so it's easier than ever to tell your users how to interact with the table.

// Render a table with its help.
t := table.New()
view := t.View() + "\n" + t.HelpView()

Accessing columns

You can also now get the table's columns (this already existed for rows).

package table

// Columns returns the current columns.
func (m Model) Columns() []Column

List: page navigation is fixed!

Previously, list.NextPage() and list.PrevPage() didn't work because the methods did not have pointer receivers. We've fixed this…by making them pointer receivers!

⚠️ Note that this is a minor API change and you might need to update your app to pass a pointer receiver to your model rather than a copy. Details in #458.

package progress

// NextPage moves to the next page, if available.
func (m *Model) NextPage()

// PrevPage moves to the previous page, if available.
func (m *Model) PrevPage()

What’s Changed


  • Textarea: Improve setting width by @mikelorant in #496
  • Textinput: fix out of range panic if no matched suggestions by @rdnt in #473
  • List: Fix no-op list pagination functions by @nekopy in #458
  • Table: Clarify position constant in JoinHorizontal by @aditipatelpro in #577
  • Progress: make full/empty fill characters configurable by @rwinkhart in #409
  • Dependencies: switch to x/ansi for text manipulation by @aymanbagabas in #505



  • Table: Render Row Tests by @maaslalani in #487
  • Table: Only render columns with a positive width by @fabio42 in #465
  • Table: Fix inheritence of SelectedStyle in StyleFunc by @gabrielfu in #539
  • Table: Don't include header height in the total table size by @prgres in #434
  • Table: Fix premature viewport scroll by @dzeleniak in #429
  • Textarea: Fix end of buffer character by @mikelorant in #491
  • Textarea: Set textarea default EndOfBufferCharacter to ' ' by @blvrd in #510
  • Textarea: End of Buffer alignment by @maaslalani in #486
  • Textinput: don't block input on validation by @GabrielNagy in #185
  • Viewport: Fix division by zero in scrollpercentage by @zMoooooritz in #494
  • Help: Fix centering by @gabe565 in #516
  • Progress: Stop spring defaults from overriding WithStringOptions by @nervo in #540
  • Cursor: Make SetMode method in cursor library handle invalid mode values correctly by @anirudhaCodes in #477

Test coverage βœ…

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.19.0

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


01 Feb 18:54
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Textarea, but faster

This release features several fixes and big performance improvements for the textarea bubble.

What's Changed




  • fix(textarea): correctly trim incoming paste by @muesli in #469
  • fix(textinput): Placeholder No Longer Changes Width + Paste Calculation by @hopefulTex in #451
  • fix(viewport): pad width to contentWidth by @ivanvc in #388

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.17.1...v0.18.0

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


13 Dec 18:41
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Bumping Bubble Tea

This is just a little update to update to the latest version of Bubble Tea.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.17.1

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13 Dec 16:28
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Text input autocompletions and various improvements

Autocompletion in Text Input

So @toadle wanted textinputs to support autocompletion in a ghost-text kind of a way. Rather than wait for us to do it he did what any dedicated open source developer would: he sent a PR! And now we can all benefit from his hard work.

Autocompletion is super easy to use:

ti := textinput.New()
ti.SetSuggestions([]string{"meow", "purr"})

By default you can press ctrl+n and ctrl+p to cycle through suggestions, but those keybindings can be changed as you, the application developer, see fit. For details check out textinput.SetSuggestions and the corresponding KeyMap in the docs.

Is the progress bar done yet?

@yrashk acutely noticed that to nicely transition from one state to another after an animated progress bar fills up it's helpful to know when the animated has finished animating before transitioning. To solve for this he added an IsAnimating method to the progress model. Thanks, @yrashk!



  • Support suggestions and autocompletion in textinput by @toadle in #407
  • Add method for determining if progress bar is animating by @yrashk in #386



Full Changelog: v0.16.1...v0.17.0

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31 May 18:42
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File Picker Bubble πŸ“ 🫧

This release introduces a brand new filepicker bubble, new features, and a tonne of bugfixes.
Let us know what you think, ask questions, or just say hello in our Discord.

File picker example

For a quick start on how to use this bubble, take a look at the Example code.

Getting Started

Create a new file picker and add it to your Bubble Tea model.

picker := filepicker.New()
picker.CurrentDirectory, err = os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
    // ...

m := model{
    picker: picker,
    // ...

Initialize the file picker in your Model's Init function.

func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
    return tea.Batch(
        // ...

Update the filepicker as any other bubble in the Update function.
After the picker.Update, use the DidSelectFile(msg tea.Msg) function to perform an action when the user selects a valid file.
You may allow only certain file types to be selected with the AllowedTypes property and allow directories to be selected with the DirAllowed property. To see the currently selected file/directory use the Path property.

var cmd tea.Cmd
m.picker, cmd = m.picker.Update(msg)

// Did the user select a file?
if didSelect, path := m.picker.DidSelectFile(msg); didSelect {
	// Get the path of the selected file.
	return m, tea.Println("You selected: " + selectedPath)

return m, cmd

For the full example on how to use this bubble, take a look at the Example code.



New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0

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20 Jan 16:27
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Ceci, Cela

This is primarily a housekeeping release with lots and lots of bugfixes and improvements from the community. Thanks, everyone, for all your support! πŸ€—

Please do feel free to say hello, ask questions, and tell us what else you want to see in our Discord. πŸ’¬


  • textinput + textarea: support for forthcoming bracketed paste (see also charmbracelet/bubbletea#397) and avoid ctrl chars in clipboard input by @knz in #214
  • textinput: support key bindings textarea by @knz in #270
  • paginator: make paginator keybindings customizable by @knz in #272
  • viewport: Expose TotalLineCount() and VisibleLineCount() methods within viewport by @adaam2 in #283
  • table: make UpdateViewport() have constant runtime by @pja237 in #284
  • table: add SetColumns method to set columns by @maaslalani in #260
  • table: expose rows by @marcantoineg in #287


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0

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06 Sep 16:34
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Table Bubble

This feature release of Bubbles includes a brand new table bubble that you can use to show and select tabular data! Huge thanks to @wesleimp for contributing this change ❀️.

Table Bubble showing countries and their populations

See the example code for an example of how to use the table in your Bubble Tea applications.

Getting Started

Create a new table:

t := table.New(


t := table.New(table.WithColumns(columns))

Style the table how you want:

s := table.DefaultStyles()
s.Header = s.Header.
s.Selected = s.Selected.

And then Update and Render (View) the table:

type model struct {
	table table.Model

func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
	var cmd tea.Cmd
	m.table, cmd = m.table.Update(msg)
	return m, cmd

func (m model) View() string {
	return m.table.View()

Other Changes

  • Ctrl+H backspaces text by @maaslalani in #199
  • LineCount() + Include New Line characters in Length() by @maaslalani in #204
  • fix(viewport): honor width and height settings by @meowgorithm in #216
  • feat(textarea): new bindings for "go to begin" / "go to end" by @knz in #226
  • feat(textarea): PromptFunc, support dynamic prompts by @knz in #211
  • fix(viewport): properly truncate to size by @knz in #228

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.14.0

Read more about it in our examples and docs:

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Slack.


05 Jul 20:18
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Textarea Bubble

This feature release includes a brand new textarea bubble that you can use to input as many lines of text as your heart desires (or until your computer memory runs out, whichever comes first).

Text Area Example

See the example code for a simple example of how to use the textarea in your Bubble Tea applications.


There are a few ways to customize the text area.

  • SetHeight(height int): tells the component how many lines of text it should display at once.
  • SetWidth(width int): tells the component how wide the it should be.
  • ShowLineNumbers: whether or not to show line numbers on the left-hand side of a line of text.
  • Prompt: the prompt to display on the left-hand side.
  • EndOfBufferCharacter: the character to display as the line number after the last line to fill the rest of the height. Defaults to ~.
  • CharLimit: Prevents users from typing more than a set number of characters.
  • KeyMap: The set of keybindings to navigate and interact with the textarea.


Split Editors Example

The textarea can be customized heavily with Lip Gloss.

  • FocusedStyles: the styles to be applied while the textarea is focused.
  • BlurredStyles: the styles to be applied while the textarea is focused.

Each of the above properties has the below sub-properties that can be modified.

Base             lipgloss.Style
CursorLine       lipgloss.Style
CursorLineNumber lipgloss.Style
EndOfBuffer      lipgloss.Style
LineNumber       lipgloss.Style
Placeholder      lipgloss.Style
Prompt           lipgloss.Style
Text             lipgloss.Style

See the split editors example for how to style the textarea component.

Read more about it in our examples and docs:

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Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Slack.