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T Coffee Quick Start

Paolo Di Tommaso edited this page May 5, 2014 · 1 revision

T-Coffee download and compilation quick start

T-Coffee quick start

T-Coffee sources are public available from the project Subversion repository.

Anonymous access

To download the lastest version of T-Coffee source just use the following command. Note that downloading as an anonymous user you will not able to commit (upload) your changes

# svn export tcoffee

You can also access the sources from your browser at the following address

Or checkout an older version # svn checkout -r 1000 tcoffee

Trusted access

To get full access to T-Coffee subversion repository (i.e. to be able to commit your changes) you need to be a member of T-Coffee project on Google Code with at least Ccommitter role. The current members list is available at the following address here.

= Get your local working copy =

# svn co workspace --username your-google-username

When asked enter your Google Code password (to get your click here).

Please note for trusted access the protocol to be used is https (not http).

This will create in the current directory a directory called workspace, which contains two folders: lib and t_coffee. The lib folder contains all the source code files, the t_coffee folder the makefile.

= Check status of your copy =

# svn status 

Shows all changes you made (and only yours) since your last commit. (no network connection is needed)

# svn status -u 

Shows all changes you and everyone else have made (network connection is needed)

= Update local copy =

To update your local copy with the latest changes in the repository use the following command

# svn update 

Files marked by:

  • A are added
  • M are modified
  • C are in conflict (If this happens you are usually asked what to do - see svn-book p. 24)
  • D are deleted

= Revert to the previous version =

If you do not like changes in a file you can back to the repository version with the following command

# svn revert filename 

= You have made some changes and want to update the repository =

IMPORTANT things one has always to do before committing changes:

  1. Make an update of your local copy
  2. check that after the update your version is compiling and running correctly
# svn commit  -m "short description of what you changed" --username <google uname without>

Use -m (If you forget -m the standard editor will be started to enter the text - or not, depending on your configuration)

**This will update the server version with ALL changes you made. **

= Other SVN commands =

To delete a file svn rm <filename>

To add a new file svn add <filename>

= More info =

You can find more info about SVN command Svn Get Started.

And about the T-Coffee project SVN path structure Svn Top Level Structure.

Compile T-Coffee

To compile T-Coffee use the command make t_coffee against the makefile in the following path <your-workspace>t_coffee/src

The binary will be automatically copied to the path specified by the environment variable USER_BIN (check that it exists before run the make command).