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wrycu edited this page May 26, 2024 · 9 revisions

This page describes new functionality and workflow changes in v1.900, which adds support for FoundryVTT v12 and drops support for earlier versions.

For Players

Actor Sheet Layout

Multiple changes have been made to actor sheets:

  • the "ranged" and "melee" defense fields have been swapped in order to match the order used in the books

Purchasing Force Powers

Force the Force and Destiny players out there, your force rating is now checked before purchasing force powers (and the buy window shows the required force rating.)

For GMs


The generic slot combat tracker should actually work now. If you've turned it off, consider giving it another shot (and report bugs so I know they exist!)

Compendiums, Oh My!

In order to support v12, compendiums have moved from world-defined to system-defined. I've taken this chance to change which compendiums are available to (hopefully) make it easier to find things.

New Compendium Layout

XP Spending

  • Players can now buy characteristics by clicking on the label below the value
  • Granting XP via the group manager now properly updates the XP log
  • Species can now have a starting XP defined, which granted added to characters when they receive the species
  • Signature abilities can now have upstream (specialization) links defined. If these are defined, the system will enforce them being acquired prior to allowing a player to buy the signature ability. You can automatically populate this data by rerunning the importer

Sheet Changes

  • All sheets now default to v2
  • In actor sheets v2, critical injuries are now in a dedicated tab. v1 sheets are unchanged
  • Vehicle sheets have undergone some work and now have crew on the second tab. You can roll weapons using crew directly from the weapons, now

Importer improvements

Yet again, tons of improvements have been made to the importer. You will HAVE TO to re-run your import (especially due to the new compendiums.)

You should still not re-run the importer multiple times without having cleared the vehicle and/or actor compendiums.