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deby edited this page Jan 25, 2017 · 66 revisions

There are 3 types of verifications:

  • silver Silver Verification
  • We verify that your account (rank, cards, friend ID) is legit using screenshots.
  • gold Gold Verification
  • We verify that your account (rank, cards, friend ID) is legit by connecting to your account in the game using your transfer code.
  • Bronze Verification
  • We verify that your rank is legit using the friend ID search in the game + a screenshot of your profile.

To get verified, log in School Idol Tomodachi, click here then click on the account you would like to verify, select your verification type and follow the instructions.

If your rank is above 200, set it at 195 before asking for your verification.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to be "verified"?

It means the School Idol Tomodachi staff officially certified that your account is real (see What do you verify?).

Do I have to?

Absolutely not! Feel free to use School Idol Tomodachi the way you want. Verified accounts is just a service we provide for people who want it.

However, to make sure the players ranking makes sense, we do not allow non-verified accounts to have a rank above 200. Thanks for your understanding.

What do you verify?

  • Friend ID
  • Rank is equal or higher to the one on your profile
  • URs and idolized SRs (except Bronze verification)

Do I have to get verified again when I rank up or get new URs?

No, you're considered a trusted user.

However, if your rank jumps too fast or you get too many URs at once, we might ask you to send us a new proof.

How long does it take to be verified?

It completely depends on how many people asked to be verified. We do our best to verify you as soon as possible, but we sometimes get overwhelmed with requests. If you return to the page in which you sent your verification, you will see your estimated position in the queue and the estimated time it will take.

See also Gold verification: How long will you keep my account after you transfer it?

What if I get new SRs or I rank up after I send my verification request but before I get verified?

No worries, we check that the extra cards were added after the date of your request and we allow a reasonable amount of extra levels.

However, note that doing the extra verification of cards dates take some time, so if you don't mind sending updated screenshots, that's a big help for us.

What happens if there are missing cards or extra cards?

We remove the cards you don't have and we add the cards you forgot to add - in School Idol Tomodachi, of course, not in the game.

If you don't want us to do that or if you want to be notified about the changes we made, just say so in your request message.

I can't create my account because my rank is above 200, what should I do?

Create your account with a 199 rank and click here to verify your account.

I can't select Gold or Bronze verification, why?

  • Gold verifications work only for accounts in the Japanese and English versions.
  • Bronze verifications are only for users with a rank above 195.

I changed my mind, can I get [..] verification instead of [...] verification?


Can I be both Gold and Silver?

No, you can't have both stars on your profile, but being Gold implies that you're Silver since we check the same things.

I don't like this feature. Why did you do that?

The main reasons for this feature are:

  • We recently got tons of fake accounts, and that's not cool
  • We are currently working on a "Safe Transfer" feature with the admins of the Facebook Trading group, since a lot of scammers steal accounts so they need a trusted platform
  • Lots of people set their rank very high just to be on top of the ranking on the website, not cool.
  • We made a survey, and the most popular feature were verified accounts. Which is probably because badges on profiles look cool :)

We hope you understand, but feel free to ask any question!

Gold Verification FAQ

Will I lose my lovecas if you transfer my account?

We have an iPhone and an Android phone to verify your accounts, so you will not lose any loveca.

What are the devices you use to verify accounts?

  • Android EN/JP: Bluestacks most of the time, but sometimes Nexus 5, Nexus 7 first generation, Nexus 7 last generation, Galaxy Nexus
  • iOs EN/JP: iPhone 5

test devices

How long will you keep my account after you transfer it?

Between 2 minutes and 1 hour, depending on how accurate your cards were. When we have to fix a lot of mistakes and add/remove a lot of cards, it takes us much longer than if you were to do it, because the interface is different. So if you want to get it back as soon as possible, make sure you double-check your cards before sending your request.

Note about transfer codes

Though it is a common practice to share transfer codes throughout various LLSIF communities, note that sharing your transfer code with a third party goes against the KLab Terms Of Services.

If, for this reason or any other reason, you do not wish to send us your transfer code, we recommend you to go with Silver verification or no verification at all.

What are the benefits of a Gold Verification over a Silver Verification?

It shows a higher level of trust. But it's mostly the pretty gold star.

How can I make sure I can really trust you?

We already verified a lot of accounts, and all those happy players got back their accounts very quickly without losing anything.

If you prefer not to trust us, that's OK. We totally understand. You can go for the Silver Verification! (or no verification at all)

school idol tomodachi

List of features

School Idol Tomodachi Cards

School Idol Tomodachi Profile

School Idol Tomodachi Activities

School Idol Tomodachi Events

School Idol Festival, the game

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