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deby edited this page Jun 6, 2016 · 7 revisions

⚠️ This page only contains big updates changelogs.

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June 6th 2016


  • Authentication is now open!
  • New documentation
  • Localization
  • Lots of new fields and filters added in endpoints
  • New Activities endpoint
  • New "cached data" endpoint

Note that there is no retro-compatibility issues in this update since nothing has been removed, it just adds new things.

Authentication is now open!

You can now apply to get a client ID/Secret and start making authenticated API calls. You'll have to follow the documented OAuth2 scenario.

New documentation

I completely re-wrote the API documentation for all the endpoints in a effort to make it as ambiguousless as possible.

Please tell me if you see a typo or anything that's not clear ;)


Some fields are now localized. Search for Localized string in the documentation of each endpoint.

Set the language you want using the HTTP header Accept-Language. The list of accepted languages is here. Default language is en.

Note that the translation is still a work in progress, so some fields might still be in English. See Translate the website.

Cards endpoint

New fields in cards objects:

  • clean_ur
  • clean_ur_idolized
  • skill_up_cards
  • ur_pair (expandable)
  • total_owners
  • total_wishlist
  • ranking_attribute
  • ranking_rarity
  • ranking_special
  • (in mini event object) translated_name (localized)

New parameters to filter the results:

  • translated_collection (localized)
  • japan_only
  • idol_year
  • idol_sub_unit
  • idol_school
  • japanese_name
  • event_japanese_name
  • event_english_name
  • ur_pair_name

Filter rarity now allows multiple rarities.

Field center_skill_details and translated_collection are now localized.

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about the new parameters and fields.

Idols endpoint

New parameters to filter the results:

  • japanese_name

Field year, favorite_food, least_favorite_food, summary and hobbies are now localized.

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about this endpoint.

Events endpoint

New fields in events objects:

  • website_url
  • translated_name

New parameters to filter the results:

  • idol
  • is_english
  • main_unit
  • skill
  • attribute

Field note is now localized.

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about the new parameters and fields.

Songs endpoint

New fields in users objects:

  • translated_name (localized)

New parameters to filter the results:

  • romaji_name

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about the new parameters and fields.

Users endpoint

New fields in users objects:

  • (in preferences) html_description
  • (in preferences) birthdate
  • (in preferences) default_tab

New parameters to filter the results:

  • liked_activity

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about the new parameters and fields.

Accounts endpoint

New fields in accounts objects:

  • creation
  • ranking
  • default_tab
  • items
  • fake

New parameters to filter the results:

  • has_friend_id
  • owner_preferences__best_girl
  • owner__preferences__color
  • owner__preferences__private
  • owner__preferences__status
  • center_card_attribute
  • center__card__rarity
  • center__card__id

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about the new parameters and fields.

Owned Cards endpoint

Filter card__rarity now allows multiple rarities.

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about this endpoint.

New Activities endpoint

Fields: id, avatar, account, last_update, message (localized), html_message (localized), message_type, figure, website_url.

Filters: card, message_type, followed_by, account (allows multiple).

Parameters to expand data (much slower): expand_account, expand_liked_by, expand_total_likes, expand_liked.


  • Get activities
  • Get an activity by id
  • Like an activity
  • Unlike an activity

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about this endpoint.

New Cached data endpoint

This endpoint returns a bunch of info that the server has in cache. It's much faster than any other API endpoint because it doesn't need to call the database.

Please refer to the full documentation to learn more about this endpoint.


The next things I plan to add in the API are:

  • Endpoint to get, add, edit and delete teams (mostly for the School Idol Tomodachi Team Builder)
  • Endpoint to get, add, edit and delete event participations (which I need to finish the iOs app I'm working on)

If you need something else, just tell me!

Discuss this update

Tell us what you think, if you have any problem or if you need something else on Twitter, Reddit or School Idol Tomodachi.

April 19th 2016


  • Fields remove to improve performance
  • Fields only accessible when asking for it with expand_***
Cards endpoints



  • Event objects in Cards are now partial. They contain the following fields: english_name, japanese_name, image. To get the full Event object (slower), use the parameter expand_event.

  • Idol objects in Cards are now partial. They contain the following fields: name, japanese_name, year, main_unit, sub_unit, school. To get the full Idol object (slower), use the parameter expand_idol.

  • The defaultimage parameter doesn't work anymore. Just check if it's null and use your own image :)

  • The owned_cards field doesn't work anymore. To get the owned cards of an account, use the ownedcards endpoint

Accounts endpoints



  • Center field object is now partial. It contains the following fields: id (the id of the OwnedCard), card (the id of the Card in the OwnedCard), round_image (URL), attribute, card_text (#136 Koizumi Hanayo SR).

  • A new field called starter has been added and contains the following fields: id (of the Card), round_image, card_text ("#29 Ayase Eli R" for example), attribute.

  • The owner field contains the username of the owner. To get the full owner object (slower), use the parameter expand_owner.

Users endpoints



  • Now only contains the following fields: username, date_joined, website_url.
  • To get the accounts (slower), use the parameter expand_accounts.
  • To get the preferences (slower), use the parameter expand_preferences.
  • To get the links (slower), use the parameter expand_links.
Events endpoints


GET{japanese name}/

  • The fields song and cards are not in the Event object anymore.
Songs endpoints


GET{song name}/

  • The field event is not in the Song object anymore, but you can get it using the parameter expand_event.

  • If you want to use the itunes_id to allow your users to listen to a preview of the song, here's how:

No changes (except internal optimizations) in:

Note however that if you use the expand_card or expand_account in the OwnedCards endpoint, the objects inside also get affected by the changes in their respective endpoints.

school idol tomodachi

List of features

School Idol Tomodachi Cards

School Idol Tomodachi Profile

School Idol Tomodachi Activities

School Idol Tomodachi Events

School Idol Festival, the game

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