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deby edited this page Jul 28, 2018 · 4 revisions

We're really sorry to hear that you saw something you don't like.

Here's what you can do:

[1] If you don't want to see if because you don't like it personally

You may want to consider blocking the user who submitted the content, for example the activity you don't like. Read more about blocking.

If it's something that's part of the website and not submitted by a specific user, such as a card or event or an element of the interface, we do not offer any way to hide parts of our websites. You may want to look into browser extensions that let you customize the styles of the websites your browse.

[2] If you think nobody should see it: it's spam, wrong, incorrect or inappropriate

Search for a report button. Report buttons generally look like a warning sign ⚠.

⚠️ Make sure you report the right thing:

  • If you have a problem with an activity, look for the report button inside the activity itself.
  • If you have a problem with an account, use the report button for said account.
  • If you have a problem with a user, use the report button of that user.

⚠️ If you use the wrong report button (ex: report a user even though there's only a problem with one activity), we have NO WAY to take action and will have to ignore your report.

In your report, make sure you provide all the details of what is wrong with what you're reporting. We appreciate supporting screenshots attached as proof. The more you write, the more likely we'll take action.

Make sure you provide the right reason for your report. If your reason is not listed, it probably means you're not using the right report button. Look for the report button near what you're trying to report.

If you're unsure about how to report something, feel free to Contact us.

About reports

What happens after I submit a report?

  1. A moderator from our staff team will read your report.
  2. They will check the reported thing and what you're claiming. They might need to do their own research, but the details you provide will always be extremely helpful. what our moderators see
  3. Depending on the problem, they will either:
    • Edit the item.
      • Example: if an activity contains an unsourced fan art, but the rest of the activity is fine, they will only remove that specific image and leave the rest of the activity as it is.
      • Example: if an account level is unrealistic, they will reset the level but will not touch anything else in the account.
    • Remove the item.
      • Example: if an activity is entirely a spam and doesn't contain anything relevant, it will be deleted completely.
    • Do nothing.
      • If we're not able to confirm your claim, we see nothing wrong with the item, or what you don't like follows our rules, we will not take action.

Some sensitive data such as users profiles can only be deleted by a few of our moderators. That's why it might take extra time for these reports to go through.

Where can I see why my content has been reported?

When content is removed or edited thanks to your report, you will receive a confirmation email (in your preferred language). The owner of the edited/deleted item will also be notified by email (in their preferred language).

Example emails

The email will contain the exact reason why it got edited or deleted.

If you didn't receive any email:

Go to your settings and click "Security". Content you own that has been reported less than 30 days ago will be listed, together with the reasons why they were edited/deleted.

Example settings page

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