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The .ino Script

Robert Haas edited this page Apr 21, 2020 · 1 revision

Methods in PipeFlow.ino

Fanning friction factor

Colebrook friction factor

Churchill friction factor

  • Description: Friction factor due to Churchill for laminar and turbulent flow

  • In Sourcecode: FrictionFactor < CalcMethod::Churchill>

  • Formula: f=((\frac{8}{Re})^{12} + \frac{1}{(A+ B)^{1.5}})^{1/12} where

    • A=(2.457\cdot \ln (\frac{1}{(\frac{7}{Re})^{0.9}}+ 0.27\cdot \frac{k}{D}))^{16}
  • Link:

  • PressureDifference < CalcMethod::HagenPoiseuille> : Pressure difference due to Hagen-Poiseuille, only for laminar, stationary and fully-developed flow

  • PressureDifference < CalcMethod::DarcyWeisbach> : Pressure difference due to Darcy-Weisbach for laminar and turbulent flow (if mean velocity is used for w)

  • PressureDifference < CalcMethod::Any> : Use of both methods (or may be further different ones) for calculating the pressure difference including distiction between laminar and turbulent flow.

  • MeanVelocity < CalcMethod::Colebrook> : Mean velocity due to transfored Colebrook equation, can only be used in turbulent case

  • MeanVelocity < CalcMethod::HagenPoiseuille> : Mean velocity due to transfored Hagen-Poiseuille equation for laminar flow

  • MeanVelocity < CalcMethod::Any> : Coupled formulae to cover laminar and turbulent flow