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Robert Haas edited this page Apr 21, 2020 · 25 revisions

Welcome to the PipeFlow wiki!


  • The program calculates physical properties of a liquid or gas streaming through a pipe. Especially it is aimed to calculate the pressure difference from fluid velocity and vice versa.
  • It may be used on the ESP 32 MCU for tranforming pressure difference coming from a sensor into fluid velocity and finally volume flow.
  • It cannot be used for Arduino MCUs like AVR ATmega 328, since the code uses classes from the C++ standard library, e.g. std::function.
  • The classes and namespaces defined in codelines 1 to 324 may be also used for C++ desktop applications. For this purpose the setup()- and loop()-functions have to be replaced by a main()-routine.
  • The calculation methods are essentially collected in a namespace (the use of templates requires so) where the data is mainly stored in class.


The basic Calculation Methods

The .ino-Script

Two Example Scenarios

Software libraries for thermophysical fluid data

The calculation of the Reynolds Number and thus, also that one for friction factor and Delta p depends on the thermophysical data of the streaming gas or liquid, essentially on its viscosity. In the case of liquids, the viscosity strongly depends on the temperature. Some software libraries which provide thermophysical fluid data: