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Contributors: Alexander Sun, Bella Chen

Event: SDHacks 2021 (Sustainability track) 2/19/21 to 2/20/21

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The website we built for the SDhacks 2021 sustainability track is called FoodShare, with our theme being centered around combating food wastage. In the United States alone, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply, costing more than $161 billion dollars annually. We felt that food wastage is an incredibly important part of sustainability; the production of wasted food in the United States is equivalent to the greenhouse emissions of 37 million cars.

FoodShare is a user friendly website that allows individuals to share the excess food that they might have, whilst also providing locations to receive the food for those in need. Food banks and soup kitchens can sometimes seem like a difficult entity for individuals to interact with, and many people may not see the need or have the time to donate to them, instead throwing away excess meals and groceries. FoodShare aims to simplify this process, allowing users to fill out a form, informing FoodShare of what types of food that they have to donate, and then displaying locations where excess food is present.

Going forward, we hope to expand the scale of FoodShare, allowing easier communication between core industry components such as grocery stores, restaurants, and farmers. We hope to turn foodshare into something educational and accessible, minimizing the damage food wastage has on the environment whilst contributing to society.

Programs/Languages Used:

  • HTML & CSS (overall layout of website)
  • JavaScript (functionality of website)
  • Firebase (cloud-based database)
  • Node JS
  • Google Maps API (autocomplete addresses, interactive map, and map markers with location descriptions)


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