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Data Types: People

MattsFace edited this page Dec 29, 2022 · 13 revisions

People Structure

People are expandable and collapsable - Link to people dataclass

id : int
  • People id
link : str
  • link to people endpoint
primaryposition : Position
  • Person primary position. Dataclass: Position
code: str
  • code number of the Position
name: str
  • the name of the Position
type: str
  • the type of the Position
abbreviation: str
  • the abbreviation of the Position
pitchhand : PitchHand
  • Person primary position. Dataclass: PitchHand
code : str
  • code number of the PitchHand
descritpion: str
  • description of the PitchHand
batside : BatSide
  • Person's BatSide. Dataclass: BatSide
code : str
  • code number of the BatSide
descritpion: str
  • description of the BatSide
fullname : str
  • full name of the Person
firstname : str
  • First name of the Person
lastname : str
  • Last name of the Person
primarynumber : str
  • Primary number of the Person
birthdate : str
  • Birth date of the Person
currentteam : str
  • The current Team of the Person
currentage : str
  • The current age of the Person
birthcity : str
  • The birthcity of the Person
birthstateprovince : str
  • The province of the birth state
height : str
  • The height of the Person
active : str
  • The active status of the Person
usename : str
  • The use name of the Person
middlename : str
  • The middle name of the Person
boxscorename : str
  • The box score name of the Person
nickname : str
  • The nickname of the Person
draftyear : str
  • The draft year of the Person
mlbdebutdate : str
  • The MLB debut date of the Person
namefirstlast : str
  • The first and last name of the Person
nameslug : str
  • The name slug of the Person
firstlastname : str
  • The first and last name of the Person
lastfirstname : str
  • The last and first name of the Person
lastinitname : str
  • The last and first name of the Person
lastfirstname : str
  • The last init name of the Person
initlastname : str
  • The init last name of the Person
fullfmlname : str
  • The init last name of the Person
initlastname : str
  • The full fml name of the Person
fulllfmname : str
  • The full lfm name of the Person
uselastname : str
  • The last name of the Person
birthcountry : str
  • The birth country of the Person
pronunciation : str
  • The pronuciation of the Person's name
strikezonetop : str
  • The strike zone top of the Person
strikezonebottom : str
  • The strike zone bottom of the Person
nametitle : str
  • The name title of the Person
gender : str
  • The gender of the Person
isplayer : str
  • The player status of the Person
isverified : str
  • The verification of the Person
namematrilineal : str
  • The name matrilineal of the Person
deathdate : str
  • The death date of the Person
deathcity : str
  • The death city of the Person
deathcountry : str
  • The death country of the Person
lastplayeddate : str
  • The last played date of the Person
namesuffix : str
  • The namesuffix of the Person

Usage that returns League objects


Description: Return Person Object from Id


Name Type Required Description Default
person_id string/int Yes Insert personId for a specific player, coach or umpire based on playerId.


Description: Return list of all people for sport_id


Name Type Required Description Default
sport_id string/int Yes Insert a sportId to return player information for a particular sport. For a list of all sportIds: 1

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
season string/int Yes Insert year to return player information for a particular season.
gameType string Yes Insert gameType to return player information for a particular gameType. Find available game types at


Description: Return Person Id(s) from fullname


Name Type Required Description Default
sport_id string/int Yes Insert a sportId to return player information for a particular sport. For a list of all sportIds: 1
fullname string Yes Search fullname
search_key string No Search key 'fullname'

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
season string/int Yes Insert year to return player information for a particular season.
gameType string Yes Insert gameType to return player information for a particular gameType. Find available game types at

Example output from MLB stats api endpoint

Mlb stats api Query:

Equivelant with python-mlb-statsapi:

>>> import mlbstatsapi
>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> player = mlb.get_person(player_id = 605151)
>>> print(player)
Person(id=605151, link=/api/v1/people/605151, primaryposition=Position(code='1', name='Pitcher', type='Pitcher', abbreviation='P'), pitchhand=PitchHand(code='R', description='Right'), batside=BatSide(code='R', description='Right'), fullname=Archie Bradley, firstname=Archie, lastname=Bradley, primarynumber=23, birthdate=1992-08-10, currentage=30, birthcity=Muskogee, birthstateprovince=OK, height="6' 4", weight=215, active=True, usename=Archie, middlename=N., boxscorename=Bradley, nickname=Crash Landing, draftyear=2011, mlbdebutdate=2015-04-11, namefirstlast=Archie Bradley, nameslug=archie-bradley-605151, firstlastname=Archie Bradley, lastfirstname=Bradley, Archie, lastinitname=Bradley, A, initlastname=A Bradley, fullfmlname=Archie N. Bradley, fulllfmname=Bradley, Archie N., birthcountry=USA, pronunciation=BRAD-lee, strikezonetop=3.549, strikezonebottom=1.627, gender=M, isplayer=True, isverified=True, uselastname=Bradley)
>>> player_id = mlb.get_people_id("Ty France")
>>> print(player_id)