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Couchbase Plugins for Akka Persistence

Replicated Akka Persistence journal and snapshot store for Couchbase.

Note that this project is in early access, see section below for details about what is more or less complete and what is in progress.

For questions please use the Tag any new questions with akka-persistence and couchbase.

Build Status

Project status

The plugins are available in an early access mode, we will publish milestones as we work towards a 1.0 release.

Current state:

Write Journal implemented with minor details in progress, should work but not production ready Snapshot Store POC implementation in place, not hardened, expect changes Read Journal POC implementation in place, not hardened, expect changes Lagom support POC implementation in place, not hardened, expect changes


To include the latest release of the Couchbase plugins for Akka 2.5.x into your sbt project, add the following lines to your build file:

sbt build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-persistence-couchbase" % "0.1"

Maven pom.xml


This version of akka-persistence-couchbase depends on Akka 2.5.15. It has been published for Scala 2.11 and 2.12.

Journal plugin


  • All operations required by the Akka Persistence journal plugin API are fully supported.
  • The plugin uses Couchbase in a mostly log-oriented way i.e. data are only ever inserted but never updated (deletions are made on user request only). The exception is event metadata on deletion.
  • Writes of messages are batched to optimize throughput for persistAsync. See batch writes for details how to configure batch sizes.


Enable one or more of the plugins in application.conf and configure the cluster connection details:

akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "couchbase-journal.write"

couchbase-journal {
  connection {
    nodes = ["", "", ""] # if left empty defaults to [ "localhost" ]
    username = "scott"
    password = "tiger"

For more settings see refrence.conf


You will also need to create a bucket, by default called akka and the indexes below.

Required indexes

The following global secondary indexes needs to be created for the plugins to function:

The journal requires the indexes

CREATE INDEX `persistence-ids` on `akka` (`persistence_id`) WHERE `type` = "journal_message"
CREATE INDEX `sequence-nrs` on `akka` 
  (DISTINCT ARRAY m.sequence_nr FOR m in messages END) 
  WHERE `type` = "journal_message"

If you will be using the query side with event-for-tags the following will also be required:

CREATE INDEX `tags` ON `akka` 
  (ALL ARRAY m.tags FOR m IN messages END)
  WHERE `type` = "journal_message"
CREATE INDEX `tags-ordering` ON `akka` 
  (DISTINCT ARRAY m.ordering FOR m IN messages END)
  WHERE `type` = "journal_message"

The snapshot plugin requires an additional index:

CREATE INDEX `snapshots` ON `akka` (persistence_id, sequence_nr) WHERE akka.type = "snapshot"

Note that the aliases used (m) for the arrays must not be changed or the indexes will not actually be used.


The couchbase journal uses the Akka serialization infrastructure to serialize events and snapshots into bytes which are then Base64 encoded and put inside the documents as strings. This is convenient as it allows re-use of exisiting serializer plugins for Akka but has some overhead because of the string encoded binary data (somewhere around 1/3 on top of the raw data size).

It is possible to serialize to JSON that is readable directly from the database by registering a serializer that extends akka.persistence.couchbase.JsonSerializer. This makes the event and snapshots in the database more transparent but comes with the caveat that it is mutually exclusive with the commercial Lightbend GDPR support.


  • In preview status - not production ready
  • Performance and failure scenario testing has not yet been done
  • Smaller schema changes will likely happen and there will not be any migration tools provided as long as project releases are milestones

Snapshot plugin

poc in place, fill out doc section when more ready

akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "couchbase-journal.snapshot"

The connection settings are shared with the read journal, see above

Query plugin

poc in place, fill out doc section when more ready

val queries = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor[CouchbaseReadJournal](CouchbaseReadJournal.Identifier)

The connection settings are shared with the read journal, see above. Some read journal specific settings are available under (see reference.conf for setting docs and defaults)

Events by tag and eventual consistency

The event by tag stream is globally sorted using a time based UUID, this means it is very important that the Akka nodes are kept in tight clock sync. Even with clocks in sync, writing to different nodes of the couchbase cluster could mean that the change reaches the query index out of order, to protect against missing events because of this or small clock skew the queries will never read the latest events but only up to a point in time a little while ago giving better chance that the index is consistent with the written data.

The offset back in time is configured through the setting By default it is set to 5 seconds, this means that at any time a query is performed it will only see events up until 5 seconds ago. For the live query it will keep catching up to 5 seconds ago as time passes by.


  • Important Tagged events may be missed in the events by tag query (We will address this in a later milestone, tracked by #97)
    • if there is clock skew on the Akka nodes that is larger than the
    • if is tuned so low that the couchbase cluster hasn't reached consistency at that time
  • As the indexes used to perform the queries are eventually consistent (even for a single writer node) there is no guarantee that an immediate query will see the latest writes.

Developing the plugins

See for contribution details.

Running Dockerized Couchbase for tests

Build and start a single node Couchbase cluster in docker:

docker-compose -f docker/couchbase-1-node/docker-compose.yml build && \ 
  docker-compose -f docker/couchbase-1-node/docker-compose.yml up

Stopping the Couchbase docker container by:

docker-compose -f docker/couchbase-1-node/docker-compose.yml down

Couchbase dashboard is available at http://localhost:8091 with username admin password admin1.

Multi node cluster for tests

This requires access to the separate cluster container nodes, which does work on Linux but not on MacOS or Windows.

Starting the nodes:

docker-compose -f docker/couchbase-3-node/docker-compose.yml build && \
  docker-compose -f docker/couchbase-3-node/docker-compose.yml up

Check that there are no errors, open up the console at http://localhost:8091 and see that the three server nodes are added and the rebalance between them completed (takes quite a while even with an empty bucket).

Note the three IP-addresses logged, update the application.conf used for the tests you want to run, for example core/src/test/resources/application.conf, and list the three IPs as couchbase-journal.connection.nodes.

run the tests

Issues stopping the cluster

If the docker machines fail to stop with a warning Cannot kill container 12hash34: unknown error after kill, kill it with fire sudo killall containerd-shim


Akka Persistence Couchbase is Open Source and available under the Apache 2 License.


PoC for Couchbase as an Akka Persistence Backend







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  • Scala 88.6%
  • Java 9.8%
  • Shell 1.5%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%