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Releases: wso2-attic/carbon-uuf

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M14

30 Mar 10:43
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We are happy to announce the 14th milestone release of WSO2 Unified UI Framework. This release includes Carbon Kernel 5.2.0-m3 and Carbon feature 3.0.0 dependency upgrades.

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M13

07 Mar 06:03
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[maven-release-plugin] copy for tag v1.0.0-m13

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M12

30 Jan 13:02
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We are happy to announce the 12th milestone release of WSO2 Unified UI Framework. Visit the 1.0.0-M12 milestone page for the list issues fixed in this release.

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M11

24 Jan 12:30
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We are happy to announce the 11th milestone release of WSO2 Unified UI Framework. This release includes following features/improvements and bug fixes.

Changes list:

  • Introducing onGet, onPost server-side JS functions.
function onGet(env) {
    // do stuff for a GET request
function onPost(env) {
    // do stuff for a POST request
  • Deprecated onRequest server-side JS function.
  • {{t}} helper has been renamed to {{i18n}}

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M10

18 Jan 13:27
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We are happy to announce the tenth milestone release of WSO2 Unified UI Framework. In this release we have upgraded to UUF Maven plugin 1.0.0-m10 version.

Changes list:

  • Add capability to specify default content with defineZone.
{{#defineZone "content"}}
     <div><label>my content</label></div>                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  • Now prints the context paths of available apps in the server startup.
    UUF app 'org.wso2.carbon.uuf.sample.pets-store' is available at '/pets-store'
  • Bug fixes.

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M9

08 Jan 17:59
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We are happy to announce the ninth milestone release of WSO2 Unified UI Framework. In this release we have upgraded to UUF Maven plugin 1.0.0-m9 version.

Changes list:

  • Changes in configuration files.
    • config.yaml, bindings.yaml files are no longer supported for apps and components.
    • For components,
      • Component has only component.yaml configuration file. (see sample)
      • UI specific REST APIs, zone-fragments bindings, business-logic related configurations can be defined.
      • Mandatory, without that component won't be deployed.
    • For apps,
      • app.yaml (see sample)
        • Default theme name, menus, URI of error pages, login page URI, and security related configurations can be defined.
        • Mandatory, without that app won't be deployed.
      • component.yaml (see sample)
        • Same as in a component.
    • For themes,
      • theme.yaml is mandatory. (see sample)
    • Menus are configured at the app level in the app.yaml configuration file. (see sample)
  • Support for deploying UI specified REST APIs.
    • UUF can deploy configured (in component.yaml) microservices (using MSF4J) as REST APIs. Deployed REST APIs will be available under /<app-context-path>/<component's-context>/apis/ context.
  • Support to push multiple fragments to a zone.
    • Through bindings (configured in component.yaml), multiple fragments (in a specified order) can be pushed into a zone.
  • Support to define back-end bundles of a component in the component's pom.xml. (see sample)
  • Following Handlebars helpers are added,
    • {{template}} helper.
      • Can send a server-side Handlebars template (a fragment or an inline template) safely to the client-side.
    • String manipulation helpers.
      • abbreviate, capitalize, capitalizeFirst, center, cut, dateFormat, defaultIfEmpty, join, ljust, lower, now, numberFormat, replace, rjust, slugify, stringFormat, stripTags, substring, upper, wordWrap, yesno (see Features App sample for usage)
  • Added more samples (see Features App)
  • Bug fixes.

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M7

04 Nov 13:04
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We are happy to announce the seventh milestone release of WSO2 Unified UI Framework. In this release, we have migrated to MSF4J 2.1.0 version.

Changes List:

  • Following JS functions are added.
    • module("module-name")
      • Loads the JS file '/modules/module-name.js' in your Component into your calling JS. This should be only used outside of the onRequest function to avoid loading the module JS over and over again.
    • sendToClient("clientSideName", obj)
      • Safely sends the variable obj as a JSON to the client-side and you can access it with clientSideName name.
    •, Log.debug(obj), Log.trace(obj), Log.warn(obj), and Log.error(obj)
      • Logs the given object.
  • Following JS function have been removed.
    • 'setAppTheme' and 'getAppTheme'
  • Following Handlebars helpers are added,
    • {{t ""}}
      • Gives the i18n functionality
  • Following Handlebars variables have been renamed.
    • '@app.context' --> @contextPath
    • '@app.config' --> @config
  • Now UUF can,
    • Reload edited files on-the-fly when the deveoper mode is enabled. To enable the dev mode, start the Carbon server with -Ddevmode flag.
    • Deploy zip artifacts (Apps).
    • Handle POST request along with file uploading.
    • Render plain HTML files (in Pages for Fragments) with 'uuf-renderablecreator-html' plugin.
  • Optimized static file serving.
  • Bug fixes.
  • More samples.

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M6

10 Jun 06:19
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We are happy to announce the sixth milestone release of WSO2 Unified UI Framework. In this release, we have migrated to Carbon JNDI version 1.0.0 and Carbon Caching version 1.0.0. We support:

  • Handlebars helpers
    • {{favicon}}
    • {{secured}}
    • Refined {{menu}} helper
  • Handlebars variables
    • @pathParams (previously @uriParams)
    • @queryParams
    • @user
  • Now you can give default values for placeholders favicon & title.
  • Custom error pages.
  • Configuration merging.
  • More samples.

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M5

23 May 19:19
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We are happy to announce the fifth milestone release of WSO2 Unified UI Framework. In this release, we support,

  • Configuration

    Each component can have a configuration file config.yaml (see sample). You can access configurations, in Handlebars template as {{@app.config}} and in the onRequest JS function as
    • App context can be configured as appContext
    • Menu structure can be defined as menu
    • Default theme of the app can be configured as defaultTheme
  • Menu {{#menu <menu-name}}

    Each component can define its menu structure in its configuration. At runtime all configured menu structres will be combined and can access it using {{#menu <menu-name>}} helper. (see sample)
  • Themes
    • Default theme can be set as defaultTheme : <theme-name> in the config.yaml. (see sample)
  • Following JS functions are available inside onRequest function
    • callOSGiService
    • getOSGiServices
    • sendError
    • sendRedirect
    • createSession
    • getSession
    • destroySession
    • setAppTheme
    • getAppTheme
  • Direct fragment rendering (AJAX support for fragments)

    A fragment can be rendered directly and get the output HTML by sending a GET request to <appContext>/fragments/<fragment-name> URI.
  • Following Handlebars helpers have been renamed.
    • {{headetTitle }} --> {{title }}
    • {{headerJs }} --> {{headJs }}
    • {{#headerOther}} --> {{#headOther}}
    • {{footerJs }} --> {{js }}
    • {{includeFragment }} --> {{fragment }}

WSO2 Carbon UUF 1.0.0-M4

01 May 20:04
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We are happy to announce the fourth milestone release of WSO2 Unified UI Framework.
In this release, we support,

  • Following Handlebars helpers.
    {{css "/css/my-styles.css"}}
    {{headerJs "/js/my-top-script.js"}}
    {{footerJs "/js/my-bottom-script.js"}}
    {{public "/img/my-photo.jpg}}
    {{headerTitle "Settings | Store"}}
    {{#headerOther}} ... {{/headerOther}}
  • Following variables are accessible in Handlebars temlates.
    @app.context - Application context e.g. "/pets-store"
    @uriParams - URI parameters e.g. /pets-store/pets/{id}
    @params - Only for fragments. Passed parameters when including the fragment e.g. {{includeFragment "f1" param1="a" param2="b"}}
  • Following variables are accessible via the context parameters of the onRequest JS function. - Application context e.g. "/pets-store"
    context.uriParams - URI parameters e.g. /pets-store/pets/{id}
    context.request - Current request as a io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest object.
  • Server-side JS scripts are executes in OSGi mode.
  • Carbon UUF Maven Plugin is used to build samples.