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Mike Bostock edited this page Jul 24, 2013 · 14 revisions

WikiAPI ReferenceBehaviorsDrag Behavior

This behavior automatically creates event listeners to handle drag gestures on an element. Both mouse events and touch events are supported.

# d3.behavior.drag()

Constructs a new drag behavior.

# drag.on(type[, listener])

Registers the specified listener to receive events of the specified type from the drag behavior. If no listener is specified, returns the currently-registered listener for the specified event type. (The type may include a namespace; see dispatch.on for additional details.) The following events are supported:

  • dragstart - when a drag gesture starts.
  • drag - when the drag gesture moves.
  • dragend - when the drag gesture finishes.

Drag events (but not dragstart and dragend events) expose "x" and "y" properties representing the current position of the drag gesture in local coordinates. By default, this position is simply the mouse (or touch) position; however, the position can be modified by specifying an origin. The drag event also exposes "dx" and "dy" properties representing the element’s coordinates relative to its position at the beginning of the gesture, which is occasionally more convenient than specifying an explicit origin.

During a drag gesture, some browser default behaviors (such as text selection) are prevented. In addition, the default behavior for a click event immediately a non-empty drag gesture is prevented, so as to allow the dragging of links. When registering your own click listener on draggable elements, you can check whether the click event was suppressed as follows:

selection.on("click", function() {
  if (d3.event.defaultPrevented) return; // click suppressed

When combining drag behaviors with other event listeners for interaction events, you may also consider stopping propagation on the source event to prevent multiple actions:

drag.on("dragstart", function() {
  d3.event.sourceEvent.stopPropagation(); // silence other listeners

# drag.origin([origin])

If origin is specified, sets the origin accessor to the specified function. If origin is not specified, returns the current origin accessor which defaults to null.

The origin accessor function is used to determine the starting position (the “origin”) of the element being dragged; this allows the drag behavior to preserve the offset between the mouse position and the starting element position during drag. If the origin accessor is null, then the element position is set to the mouse position on drag; this can cause a noticeable jump on large elements. If an origin accessor is specified, the function is called on mousedown. The function is invoked in the same manner as other operator functions, being passed the current datum d and index i, with the this context as the clicked-on DOM element. To access the current event, use the global d3.event. The origin accessor must return an object with x and y properties representing the starting coordinates of the element being dragged.

Frequently the origin accessor is specified as the identity function: function(d) { return d; }. This is suitable when the datum bound to the dragged element is already an object with x and y attributes representing its current position. For example:

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