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self-made hardware simulator, assembler and stack base virtual machine

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What is this project

In this project, I'm building a computer machine emulator with assuming only dff-element and nand-element are provided.

It's based on the course and textbook, but I choosed to use golang to build this project and modified some points so that I can emulate how computers works virtually.

This project codes include:

  • Hardware layer,
  • Assembler layer,
  • VM layer

built components

  • Hardware
    • logic gates
      • only nand is given. this means that only nand struct can use Golang's if condition
      • and, or, not, nor, multi_plexer, xor, or_16_to_1
      • multibit_{and, or, not, nor, multi_plexer. to_1_multi_plexer}
    • ALU, instruction decoder, comp/dest/jump decoder
    • memory
      • only dff is given.
      • flipflop, word, memory, register
    • cpu
      • composed of registers(only two registers) + ALU + decoders + multi plexer
    • computer
      • cpu + 2 memory units
  • Assembler
    • interpreter from Assemble language to binary code
  • VM
    • interface design
      • 8 memory segments
      • stack machine
    • VM implementation
      • translater
      • ... supports
        • push/pop
        • operand: add/sub/and/or/not/eq/lt/gt/neq
        • control flow: label/goto/if_goto
        • function: function/return/call

spec of hardware layer

components architecture



Hardware layer has 2 types of instructions

1. A command

format = 0vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

This set the value in A registry.

ex. 0000000000000110 this sets 6 in A registry.

2. C command

format = 111accccccdddjjj

This does 3things 1. calc value based on A registry, D registry and Memory 2. set the value if dest is given 3. jump to the address current A registry has if jump is given

dest options
ddd desc
000 dest is not given.
100 dest is A
010 dest is D
001 dest is M
110 dest is AD(A and D)
011 dest is DM(D and M)
101 dest is AM(A and M)
111 dest is ADM(A, D and M)
comp options

we have 18 comp options. It's corresponding to ALU's operationCodes. blank cells are not defined

cccccc a=0 a=1
101010 0
111111 1
111010 -1
001100 D
110000 A M
001101 !D
110001 !A !M
001111 -D
110011 -A -M
011111 D+1
110111 A+1 M+1
001110 D-1
110010 A-1 M-1
000010 D+A D+M
010011 D-A D-M
000111 A-D M-D
000000 D&A D&M
010101 D|A D|M
jump options
jjj desc
000 no jump
001 JGT. jump if A reg > 0
010 JEQ. jump if A reg == 0
011 JGE. jump if A reg >= 0
100 JLT. jump if A reg < 0
101 JNE. jump if A reg != 0
110 JLE. jump if A reg <= 0
111 JMP. jump anyway

spec of assembler layer

assembler syntax is corresponding to the spec of hardware layer. In addition, it provides AddressTaggingStatement(≒ label statement).

syntax format


format = @val we can pass variable or int in val place.
i.g. @123 @sum


format = (dest=)comp;(jump)

  • dest: OPTIONAL
    • where the result of comp goes to.
    • 8 options. A?D?M?
  • comp: REQUIRED
    • what calculation is executed
    • 18 * 2 options.
  • jump: OPTIONAL
    • which comparison operand to use to decide jump or not
    • 8 options.


a sample code which sums up 1 to 10 you can see other samples in sample_asm/

    // sum = sum + i
    // i = i - 1

spec of VM layer

This VM is stack machine. With 8 memory segments and one stack, it allows us to compute without hardware knowledge.

It provides these syntaxes for high-level language's frontend compiler, and this implementation work as high-level language's backend compiler.

  • comparison operands
    • pop 2 elements and push boolean value: 1(true) or 0(false)
    • operands
      • eq
      • gt
      • lt
  • calculation operands
    • pop 2 elements, calc the result and push
    • operands
      • add
      • sub
      • and
      • or
    • pop 1 element, calc the result and push
    • operand
      • not
  • control flow
    • label {label}
    • goto {label}
    • if_goto {label}
      • based on the top value of the stack, jump to labeled line.
  • function
    • function {funcName} {localVariablesNum}
    • return
    • call {funcName} {argVariablesNum}


a sample code which calculates 123 + 1*2*3*4 you can see other samples in sample_vm/

// This vm script will calculate 123 + 1*2*3*4
push constant 123
goto multiple_end
function multiple 2
    // local[0]: i = arg[1]
    push argument 1
    pop local 0

    // local[0]: sum = 0
    push constant 0
    pop local 1

    // this does for-loop virtually
    // label multiple_of
    // if (i == 0) {
    //   return sum
    // } else {
    //   sum = sum + arg[0]
    //   i = i - 1
    //   goto multiple_if
    label multiple_if
    push local 0
    push constant 0
    if_goto multiple_if_then
        push local 1
        push argument 0
        pop local 1
        push local 0
        push constant 1
        pop local 0
        goto multiple_if
    label multiple_if_then
        push local 1
label multiple_end
push constant 1
push constant 2
call multiple 2
push constant 3
call multiple 2
push constant 4
call multiple 2


self-made hardware simulator, assembler and stack base virtual machine







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