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Shopware 6 production template

This repository contains the production template that enables you to build, package and deploy Shopware 6 to production shops. This template is also used to build the official packages distributed by shopware at

This template is optimized for production usage and contains basic development tooling. It's intended as a basis for project customizations, which are usually done by agencies.

If you want to contribute to the Shopware Platform or develop store plugins, you should use the development template.

Branches and stability

In each commit a composer.lock is contained to ensure that the version being deployed is the version that was tested in our CI. We currently provide two branches:

  • 6.1: stable patch releases (v6.1.0-rc2, v6.1.0, v6.1.19, v6.1.*, but not v6.2.0)
  • master: stable minor+patch releases (v6.1.3, v6.1.15, v6.2.0, v6.3.0...)

The 6.1 branch contains all the 6.1 releases. It's stable now and only gets non-breaking bug fixes. (security issues are an exception).

The master branch contains the newest stable minor release. That may result in plugins being incompatible, so be careful.



NPM and Node are only required during the build process and for development. If you dont have javascript customizations, it's not required at all. Because the storefront and admin are pre-build.

If you are using a separate build server, consider having NPM and Node as build-only requirements. Your operating application server doesn't require any of these to run Shopware 6.

Setup and install

To setup the environment and install with a basic setup run the following commands:

# clone newest 6.1 patch version from github 
git clone --branch=6.1 shopware
cd shopware

# install shopware and dependencies according to the composer.lock 
composer install

# setup the environment
bin/console system:setup
# or create .env yourself, if you need more control
# create jwt secret: bin/console system:generate-jwt-secret
# create app secret: APP_SECRET=$(bin/console system:generate-app-secret)
# create .env

# create database with a basic setup (admin user and storefront sales channel)
bin/console system:install --create-database --basic-setup

# or use the interactive installer in the browser: /recovery/install/index.php


To update Shopware 6 just run this:

# pull newest changes from origin
git pull origin

# the (pre|post)-(install|update)-cmd will execute all steps automatically
composer install


This project is called production template because it can be used to create project specific configurations. The template provides a basic setup that is equivalent to the official distribution. If you need customization, the workflow could look like this:

  • Fork template
  • Make customization
  • Add dependencies
  • Add project specific plugins
  • Update var/plugins.json (bin/console bundle:dump, paths need to be relative to the project root)
  • Build administration/storefront
  • Update composer.json and composer.lock
  • Commit changes


Command overview

The following commands and scripts are available


Command Description
bin/console system:setup Configure and create .env and optionally create jwt secret
bin/console system:generate-jwt-secret Generates a new jwt secret
bin/console system:generate-app-secret Outputs a new app secret. This does not update your .env!
bin/console system:install Setup database and optional install some basic data
bin/console system:update-prepare Run update preparations before the update. Do not update if this fails
bin/console system:update-finish Executes the migrations and finishes the update
bin/console theme:change Assign theme to a sales channel


bash is required for the shell scripts

Command Description
bin/console theme:compile Compile all assigned themes
bin/ Complete build including composer install
bin/ Build administration and storefront, including all plugins in var/plugins.json.
bin/ Just build the administration.
bin/ Just build the storefront. You need to have built the administration once.


Run bin/ once to install the npm dependencies.

bash is required for the shell scripts

Command Description
bin/console theme:refresh Reload theme.json of active themes
bin/ Watcher for administration changes, recompile and reload page if required
bin/ Watcher for storefront changes, recompile and reload page if required


See also config/

Template overview

This directory tree should give an overview of the template structure.

├── bin/                  # binaries to setup, build and run symfony console commands 
├── composer.json         # defines dependencies and setups autoloading
├── composer.lock         # pins all dependencies to allow for reproducible installs
├── config                # contains application configuration
│   ├── bundles.php       # defines static symfony bundles - use plugins for dynamic bundles
│   ├── etc/              # contains the configuration of the docker image
│   ├── jwt/              # secrets for generating jwt tokens - DO NOT COMMIT these secrets
│   ├── packages/         # configure packages - see: config/
│   ├── secrets/          # symfony secrets store - DO NOT COMMIT these secrets
│   ├── services/         # contains some default overrides
│   ├── services.xml      # just imports the default overrides - this file should not change
│   └── services_test.xml # just imports the default overrides for tests
├── custom                # contains custom files
│   ├── plugins           # store plugins
│   ├── static-plugins    # static project specific plugins
├── docker-compose.yml    # example docker-compose
├── Dockerfile            # minimal docker image
├── phpunit.xml.dist      # phpunit config
├── public                # should be the web root
│   ├── index.php         # main entrypoint for the web application
├──             # this file
├── src
│   ├── Command/*
│   ├── Kernel.php        # our kernel extension
│   └── TestBootstrap.php # required to run unit tests
└── var
    ├── log/              # log dir
    |── cache/            # cache directory for symfony
    └── plugins.json      # javascript build configuration

Managing Dependencies


You only need to require the things you want. If you only want to run shopware 6 in headless mode, your composer.json could look like this:

    "name": "acme/shopware-production",
    "type": "project",
    "license": "MIT",
    "config": {
        "optimize-autoloader": true
    "prefer-stable": true,
    "minimum-stability": "stable",
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Shopware\\Production\\": "src/"
    "require": {
        "php": "~7.2",
        "ocramius/package-versions": "1.4.0",
        "shopware/core": "~v6.1.0"

Require project plugins

If you have project specific plugins, place them under custom/static-plugins/{YourPlugin} and require them in your composer.json.

Note: The plugins needs a (stable) version to work with the default stability stable.

composer require "exampleorg/myplugin"

External plugins in private repositories can also be required by adding the repository to your composer.json.

See Using private repositories

Update shopware packages

Run the following command, to update all shopware dependencies:

composer update "shopware/*"



The DOCKERFILE and docker-compose.yml service definitions should work but are still experimental.

Storage and caches

The following directories should be shared by all app servers:

├── config
│   ├── jwt # ro - should be written on first deployment
│   ├── secrets # rw shared - see, if you want to use it: 
├── public
│   ├── bundles # rw shared - Written by `assets:install` / `theme:compile`, can also be initiated by the administration
│   ├── media # rw shared
│   ├── theme # rw shared - generated themes by `theme:compile/change`
│   └── thumbnail # rw shared - media thumbnails
│   └── sitemap # rw shared - generated sitemaps
├── var
│   ├── cache # rw local - contains the containers, which contains additional cache directories (twig, translations, etc)
│   ├── log # a - append only, can be change in the monlog config

ro - Readonly after deployment
rw shared - read and write access, it should be shared across the app servers
rw local - locale read and write access

Some of these directories like public can also be changed to different flysystem to host the files on s3 for example.


No packages published


  • PHP 41.0%
  • CSS 33.4%
  • JavaScript 11.7%
  • HTML 8.3%
  • Shell 4.8%
  • Dockerfile 0.7%
  • Smarty 0.1%