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Python client for SkyhookDM for IRIS-HEP project.

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Setup SkyhookDM Driver (suppose that you have the Skyhook Cloudlab expeirment running):

  • Run the script of "" to check and install dependencies and create the required ceph pool.
  • Run the script of "" and you're ready to go.

Note: Cloning this repo is not necessary. Runing the scripts is enough. The scripts use 'pip' to install skyhookdmdriver and other dependencies which can't be installed via 'pip' commands.

  • One the client, run 'pip install skyhookdmclient' to install the client library. You can start with some examples here.

=========================== SkyhookDM Python Client Architecture ===========================

  • Client:

    • Submits data read/write/query requests to Skyhook-Driver.
  • Skyhook-Driver:

    • Schedules dataset writing tasks.
    • Schedules data processing tasks.
    • Aggregates/summarizes the results returns by workers if necessary.
  • Worker:

    • Partitions datasets into objects and write them to Skyhook.
    • Operate on sets of objects.
    • Calls Skyhook functions to process the data remotely.
    • Further processes result returned by Skyhook if necessary.
  • Ceph/RADOS with Skyhook-Extensions:

    • Stores/lays out the objects.
    • Creates indices/metadata.
    • Processes data queries.
    • Operates within objects.

The Cient is containerized:

Run in Docker

Assuming we have the following folder structure:


We execute the example by doing the following:

cd myproject/

docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/ws -w /ws uccross/skyhookdm-py /ws/

The above mounts the myproject/ folder in a /ws (workspace) folder inside the container. It then invokes the file that we need to write ourselves. Take a look at the examples/ folder for examples of how to write applications that use the Skyhook python client library.

Run in Kubernetes

The following executes the test:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: mypod
  - name: skyhook-client-container
    image: uccross/skyhookdm-py
    args: ['/path/to/']

In the above the /path/to/ needs to be updated to the proper script that must already exist inside the image being referenced, so you could probably build an image on top of the one we provide with your scripts. For example:

FROM uccross/skyhookdm-py


And reference the above file in the Pod definition file instead of /path/to/

========================= More Details about SkyhookDM Python APIs ========================= skyhook_common:

This module defines the classes such as Dataset, File, RootNode which should be understood by both the modules of SkyhookDM and Skyhook_driver.


  • Dataset:

    • getFiles(): returns a list of File objects in this dataset.

    • getSize(): returns the total size of the Dataset.

  • File:

    • getAttributes(): returns the attributes of the file, such as access_time, size, and name.

    • getRoot(): returns the highest level of the RootNode.

    • getSchema(): returns a python dictionary which describes the logical layout of the file, such as TTree, TBranch, RootDirectory.

  • RootNode:

    • getName(): returns the name of the RootNode

    • getClassType(): returns the classtype of this RootNode, such as TTree, TBranch.

    • getDataType(): returns the datatype if the RootNode itself is a TBranch. Otherwise, it returns None.

    • getChildren(): returns the children nodes as a list.

    • getParent(): returns the parent of the current RootNode.


Skyhook_driver handles the heavy workloads such as writing the dataset to the ceph cluster and partition the root files to smaller Arrow tables. Some complicated queries can also be handled by Skyhook_driver. Skyhook_driver can manage multiple workers, schedule tasks and balance the workload between workers. Workers can be added and removed based on the volume of the workload.


For now this module only contains one class which is SkyhookDM. This module and Skyhook_common should be installed by the client. SkyhookDM connects to the Skyhook_driver and submit tasks to Skyhook_driver. Some lightweight queries are also handled by SkyhookDM.


  • skyhookdmclient:

    • connect(ip_addr): connects Skyhook_driver given its ip_addr

    • writeDataset(urls, datasetname): write the dataset to Ceph data pool. urls is a list of urls of Root file contained in the dataset. datasetname is the name of the dataset.

    • getDataset(name): returns a Dataset object given the dataset name.

    • runQuery(obj, querystr): returns an arrow table/tables give the obj and querystr. The obj can be a File object or a Dataset object. The function returns one arrow table if it’s a File object and returns a list of tables if it’s a Dataset object. If multiple branches are queried, an arrow table with multiple columns for each branch is returned.

    • addDatasetSchema(schema_json, data_type = 'servicex'): allows adding a dataset schema using json by specifying the the data_type. The default data type is 'servicex'.

    • writeArrowTable(table, data_schema_name, table_name=''): writes a Arrow Table to SkyhookDM given the data_schema_name defined in the json dataset schema. table_name is optional. This function returns a list of object names written to the SkyhookDM.

Usage Examples: Example to write a dataset to skyhook


# import the lib

from skyhookdmclient import SkyhookDM

# create a new SkyhookDM object

sk = SkyhookDM()

# connect to Skyhook_driver and Ceph data pool, please replace the ip_address and the pool name. 


# give the Root file urls

urls = ['[](',












# write the dataset to Ceph cluster and name the dataset ‘demodst’



# import the lib

from skyhookdmclient import SkyhookDM

# create a new SkyhookDM object

sk = SkyhookDM()

# connect to Skyhook_driver and Ceph data pool, please replace the ip_address and the pool name. 


# get the dataset named ‘aod’

dst = sk.getDataset('aod')

# get the first file in the dataset

f = dst.getFiles()[0]

# run the query on the first file, queries only one branch

table = sk.runQuery(f,'select event_id>5, project Events;75.Muon_phi')

# run the query on the dataset, queries multiple branches.

tables = sk.runQuery(dst,'select event_id>5, project Events;75.Muon_eta,Events;75.Muon_phi,Events;75.Muon_mass')

Example write dataset


# import the lib

from skyhookdmclient import SkyhookDM
import pyarrow as pa
import pandas as pd

# create a new SkyhookDM object

sk = SkyhookDM()

# connect to Skyhook_driver and Ceph data pool, please replace the ip_address and the pool name. 


# json values which defines the dataset schema.
my_json = '''{
	"did": "222:wfe.361106.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_Zee.merge.DAOD",
	"selection": "(call ResultTTree (call Select (call Select (call EventDataset (list 'localds:bogus')) (lambda (list e) (list (call (attr e 'Electrons') 'Electrons') (call (attr e 'Muons') 'Muons')))) (lambda (list e) (list (call (attr (subscript e 0) 'Select') (lambda (list ele) (call (attr ele 'e')))) (call (attr (subscript e 0) 'Select') (lambda (list ele) (call (attr ele 'pt')))) (call (attr (subscript e 0) 'Select') (lambda (list ele) (call (attr ele 'phi')))) (call (attr (subscript e 0) 'Select') (lambda (list ele) (call (attr ele 'eta')))) (call (attr (subscript e 1) 'Select') (lambda (list mu) (call (attr mu 'e')))) (call (attr (subscript e 1) 'Select') (lambda (list mu) (call (attr mu 'pt')))) (call (attr (subscript e 1) 'Select') (lambda (list mu) (call (attr mu 'phi')))) (call (attr (subscript e 1) 'Select') (lambda (list mu) (call (attr mu 'eta'))))))) (list 'e_E' 'e_pt' 'e_phi' 'e_eta' 'mu_E' 'mu_pt' 'mu_phi' 'mu_eta') 'forkme' 'dude.root')",
	"image": "sslhep/servicex",
	"result-destination": "kafka",
	"kafka": {
		"broker": "kafka-inc:0000"
	"chunk-size": 1000,
	"workers": 17

# here we use the "did" field as the dataset name.
dataset_name = "222:wfe.361106.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_AZNLOCTEQ6L1_Zee.merge.DAOD"

# add the json data to SkyhookDM. The name of the object will be defined by the 'name' or 'did' (for 'servicex') value in the json.

# Create an example panda dataframe (represents the columns at the end of the JSON selection statement above).
df = pd.DataFrame( {"e_E": [1, 2, 3], "e_pt": [4, 5, 6], "e_phi": [7, 8, 9], "e_eta": [10, 11, 12], "mu_E": [13, 14, 15], "mu_pt": [16, 17, 18], "mu_phi": [19, 20, 21],  "mu_eta": [22, 23, 24]} )

# Convert the panda dataframe to arrow table. 
table = pa.Table.from_pandas(df)

# Write the arrow table to the SkyhookDM. 
objs = sk.writeArrowTable(table, dataset_name)

# Print the object names written to SkyhookDM.