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BizTech's React web app for admins to manage events and members.

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Biztech's web application.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project to a live system.

Installation and Running

  1. Clone the repo:

    $ git clone
  2. Install the packages:

    $ npm install
  3. Your setup is ready for development! Run npm start to run your app on your local machine.


Files and Services

  • components/ - Our main view/display components

  • pages/ - Our main pages, where most of our app logic is handled

  • assets/ - Images, fonts, vectors, and other static files

  • constants/ - Abstracted constants

  • utils/ - Functions to call our backend API, AWS services, and any other miscellaneous functions

  • actions/ - Action creators for redux

  • reducers/ - Reducers (action listeners) for redux


Linters are put into place to exercise good and consistent coding style, regardless of developer. Editing lint rules can be done by changing the .eslintrc.js file.

To automatically check and fix all lint problems, run:

npm run lint

You may need to install eslint first npm i -g eslint

Code Styling

Prettier is used to format your code.

To automatically fix the styling of the entire codebase, run:

npx prettier --write

You may run prettier --write app/ (Example) to format a certain directory, or prettier --write app/components/Button.js (Example)

Build and Deployment

Our web application can be built and deployed to two different enviroments: staging and production, which are both hosted on firebase using our dev account ([email protected])


The web application is automatically built and deployed to our staging environment by Travis CI on every merge to master branch. This process is handled entirely by travis CI.


Triggering a build and deployment to our production environment can be done by creating a github release. Github actions are set up to automatically trigger a deploy during a release (this is done through the use of the prod branch). For more information on creating a release, take a look at our notion doc.

Configurations for both build-and-deploy processes can be found in the .travis.yml file

Other vailable Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits, and will log out any errors in the console.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder. It bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

For our app, use npm run generate:stage or npm run generate:prod instead. See the section about deployment for more information.

npm run test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode. See the section about running tests for more information.

npm run generate

Simply builds the application into the build folder.

npm run generate:stage

Builds the application into the build folder with the staging environmental variable.

npm run generate:prod

Builds the application into the build folder, but for production use.


Contributions are accepted from members of the biztech team. General instructions to start contributing are as follows:

  1. Clone the remote repo into a local environment
  2. Setup the repo (instructions here)
  3. Make the appropriate edits and additions in your own new branch (use a unique branch name!)
  4. Write or make changes to any tests, if required
  5. Submit pull requests with a detailed description of the modifications --> Pull requests will be accepted after being reviewed and after the appropriate tests are conducted
  6. Merging to master will deploy the API to staging environment
  7. Only deploy to our production environment after fully testing on staging

Built With

  • React - Javascript (JS) library
  • AWS Amplify - JS library for building Cloud-enabled Applications
  • Material UI - React UI Framework
  • Redux - State Container for React/JS Apps
  • Formik & Yup- React Form Library and Schema Validation


BizTech's React web app for admins to manage events and members.






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