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A type inference system written in SICP JS (formerly Source)

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Type Inference for Source 1

Up and Running

  1. This project runs on the js-slang interpreter. Run yarn install to install js-slang.
  2. Use yarn bundle && yarn start to generated the bundled Source program file, and run the code.
    • main.js will be bundled at the end all the Source program file
    • You can also copy the bundled source-1-type-inference.js file to the Source Academy


The project uses the Source Programs testing framework. To run the tests, run

yarn bundled && yarn test

The test specifications are located under __tests__/.

Program Specifications


Type inference for Source 1 supports:

  • number: float and int
  • bool: for boolean types
  • string
  • undefined
  • Compound function type: (t1, t2, .. tn) -> t
  • Polymorphic type: (a)=>(a); has type T -> T

Type Variable

Every node on the program syntax tree has a unique type variable. A type variable is represented by a tagged list:

list("type_variable", "T", 1)

Addable type variables are marked with A, and others are marked with T. We use the addable type to handle the overloading of operators, such as +, which can take both string and number.

We use a number to identify type variables. Two variables are the same if they have the same number, regardless of the variable type (i.e A or T). This enables us to convert a T variable to an A variable, without causing confusion in the program.


annotate(statement) -> annotated_statement

The annotate function takes an untyped parse tree of the Source program, and add a type variable to every node of the tree.

list("name", name) -> list("name", name, type_var)
list("name", op_name, loc) -> list("name", name, type_var, loc) // for primitive operators
list("conditional_expression", pred, cons, alt) -> list("conditional_expression", annotated_pred, annotated_cons, annotated_alt, type_var)
list("application", operator, operands) -> list("application", annotated_op, annotated_operands, type_var)
list("function_definition", [param], body) -> list("function_definition", [annotated_param], annotated_body, type_var)

Top-Level Transformation

transform(annotated_statement) -> transformed_statement

To facilitates the constraint generation, we will wrap the top level statements in a block, and add return to the last statement in a sequence.

Constraint Generation

collect(transformed_statement, {constraint}, type_environment) -> {constraint}

A constraint is a pair of type variable and a type, and it represents the type constraints arose from the statements and their typing relations. For a detailed set of typing relations, see the Source Type Inference document.

The type environment is used to look up the corresponding type variable of a name. Its structure and behavior resembles that of the program environment introduced in the Meta-circular Evaluator section.

Constraint Solving

solve(constraint, {constraint}) -> {constraint}

The solve function takes a set of constraints and a new constraint, and goes through a list of rules to either generate a new set of constraints, or throw a type error. Please refer to the Source Type Inference document for the set of 8 rules.

We always keep the set of constraints in solved forms, thus solve is called whenever we encounter a new constraint.

The sigma Function

sigma function is used to retrieve the type of a type variable. sigma(t) is inductively defined as:

  • if t is a base type, then sigma(t) = t
  • if t = t' exist in the set of solved constraints, then sigma(t) = sigma(t')

When we have a set of constraints in their solved forms, we can access the type of any type variable using the sigma function. Therefore, given the syntax tree annotated with type variable, we can obtain the type of any node.

The enumerate_sigma(solved_form, n) function is useful to display the types of all of the syntax tree nodes. It is used extensively in the tests.


A type inference system written in SICP JS (formerly Source)






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