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cd "$HOME" && git clone --bare "$HOME"/.dotfiles.git
git --git-dir="$HOME"/.dotfiles.git/ --work-tree="$HOME" checkout
git --git-dir="$HOME"/.dotfiles.git/ --work-tree="$HOME" remote set-url origin [email protected]:tsujp/dotfiles.git

TODO: Dungeon stuff below to update docs for.

Includes a bunch of scripts under meta-config/ to manage system-dependent tweaks. That menu system is done via sontek which you can find here.


Run make at the root of this repo and follow bash prompts for additional config.



To get around the silliness of many different loadpaths under different scenarios like login vs non-login, whether or not each of these is interactive vs non-interactive all the shells I would use whilst at my computer are run as interactive login shells and the actual configuration of Bash is within ~/.bashrc.

Excluding files in /etc which I do not set Bash loads configuration sources as follows (I do not consider further chain-loaded configurations as I wipe them):

|     .     |   Interactive   | Non-interactive |
| Login     | ~/.bash_profile | ~/.bash_profile |
| Non-Login | ~/.bashrc       | $BASH_ENV       |

Sane-ish Bash settings


├── .profile         # generic/portable env vars and PATH
├── ~/.bash_profile  # symlinks to .bashrc in the same directory
└── ~/.bashrc        # calls .profile and sets host-specific .bashrc