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霍雍 edited this page Jul 13, 2015 · 8 revisions

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Before work of RAP deployment, you should get well prepared with things below:

  1. Eclipse/MyEclipse
  2. JDK 1.7+
  3. MySQL 5.6.12+
  4. Tomcat 6.*+
  5. Git

Build Project

Obtain source code

git clone [email protected]:thx/RAP.git
git checkout release_en

Ensure you switched to branch [release_en], we keep this branch always working correctly.

Import to IDE

eg-> In MyEclipse, right click in Package Explorer -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace

Imports RAP into your workspace.

Initialize database

Execute src/database/intialize.sql,this file contains database objects construction, and essential data.

Little configurations

Please config src/, contains database's username/password, path/port, etc.


Open project properties(Properties), Properties -> MyEclipse -> Web -> Web Context-root changed to /ROOT.

For Eclipse, Properties -> Web Project Settings -> Context Root, changed to ROOT

For other IDEs, please ensure RAP is deployed in ROOT

Start Server

After complete steps above, start tomcat.

What do you need to do is follow the User Manual to explorer RAP!

Common issues

How to manage teams(corporations)?

In database table tb_corporation, cause this data rarely changes, you can just write SQL to manage.

How to add administrator?

add record into the database table tb\_role\_and\_user user_id is admin's userId,role_id 1(super admin), 2(admin)

Why and seperated?

This is used for environment switch, you can config local database and remote database, when you want to switch, just alter file src/applicationContext.xml, search mysql.*.properties than change it.

How to obtain update?

We'll ensure release_en branch is always correct. Please focus on RAP wiki, when new release_en comes out, try to git pull from release_en branch. Every new release_en will have md file to tell you how to transfer.