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FitPay Android SDK -

Building the library

Building using Android Studio

mkdir fitpay  
cd fitpay
git clone [email protected]:fitpay/fitpay-android-sdk.git  
cd fitpay-android-sdk (or double click your android studio)
Open an existing Android Studio project
Click on Gradle (topright), select fitpay-android->Tasks->build, build - right click and select "Run fitpay-android[build]"

Fit-Pay also utilizes a continuous integration system (travis) to build and test. Current Develop Branch Status: Build Status

Building from the commandline

Ensure you have the Android SDK installed on your machine.

Gradle also automatically runs the tests when you build.

export ANDROID_HOME=/home/myname/Android/Sdk
cd ~
mkdir fitpay  
cd fitpay
git clone [email protected]:fitpay/fitpay-android-sdk.git  
cd fitpay-android-sdk  
./gradlew clean build  


If you see an error similar to the following, it's due to the use of the use of the jack toolchain instead of retrolambda.$createUser$0(,' was expected to be of type direct but instead was found to be of type virtual

Add classpath 'me.tatarka.retrolambda.projectlombok:lombok.ast:0.2.3.a2' to your dependencies and remove the jack toolchain.

Running tests using Android Studio

Open an existing Android Studio project
Click on Gradle (topright), select fitpay-android->Tasks->verification, test - right click and select "Run fitpay-android[test]"

Running tests from the commandline

cd fitpay-android-sdk
./gradlew clean test

Problems with the tests?

Some versions of Java come with an encryption distribution that may not be up to modern standards. If you experience problems with SSL connections, please download the Java Cryptography Extension.

Running code coverage

You can run code coverage in the android SDK (to highlight individual file results) or manually. To run manually, run:
gradlew testDebugUnitTestCoverage
(Filtered) results can be found in fitpay/build/reports/jacoco/testDebugUnitTestCoverage/html. You can also see per line information in fitpay/build/reports/jacoco/testDebugUnitTestCoverage/testDebugUnitTestCoverage.xml.

Using a pre-built version of the SDK as a dependency for your build:

Pre-built versions of the Android SDK are hosted on jcenter(). To use in your project:

  • make sure jcenter() is listed in the repositories closure of your application's build.gradle file.

    buildscript {
        repositories {
  • add the pre-built SDK dependency, for example to use v0.5.0 of the SDK: compile '' dependency to the dependencies closure of the build.gradle file.

    • Grab via Maven:

    • or Gradle:

      compile ''

Using local version of the SDK as a dependency for your build:

In order to use a local version of the SDK in your project, you need to first build the local repository by using the Gradle task uploadArchives that's included in the FitPay Android SDK. After running this task, the compiled SDK will be outputted to a local folder on your computer ("LocalRepository") and will be available for use in your project. Note that you may have to clear gradles cached version of the SDK, usually found in $HOME/.gradle/caches/.

You can run the Gradle task and build the repository from Android Studio or from the commandline.

  • Build using Android Studio

    Open the FitPay Android SDK in Android Studio
    Click on Gradle (topright), select fitpay-android->Tasks->upload, uploadArchives - right click and select "Run fitpay-android[uploadArchives]"
  • Build from the commandline

    Open the FitPay Android SDK in your commandline
    cd fitpay-android-sdk
    ./gradlew clean uploadArchives

Now that you've built the repository, you need to tell your Android project where it is located and that it needs to be included in your project. Open your Android project, and do the following:

  1. Add the local repository's location to the top-level build.gradle file

    def localMavenRepository = 'file://' + new File(System.getProperty('user.home'), 'LocalRepository').absolutePath
    def String pbwURL = 'http://'
    def String metaDataURL = ''
  2. Include localMavenRepository() in the repositories closure of the same top-level build.gradle file.

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url localMavenRepository }
  3. Add the repository as a dependency to the module-level build.gradle file of your project.

    dependencies {
        compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
        compile ''

That's it! You are now able to build from your local repository.


In order to remain flexible with the various mobile logging strategies, the SDK provides a mechanism to utilize custom logging implementations. Providing an implementation of the$ILog interface to will allow tailoring logging output from the SDK.

Example implementation using standard Android logging:

FPLog.addLogImpl(new FPLog.ILog() {
    public void d(String tag, String text) {
        Log.d(tag, text);

    public void i(String tag, String text) {
        Log.i(tag, text);

    public void w(String tag, String text) {
        Log.w(tag, text);

    public void e(String tag, Throwable throwable) {
        Log.e(tag, throwable.getMessage());

    public int logLevel() {
        return 0;

Logging HTTP Traffic

HTTP traffic originating from the SDK can be logged by calling FPLog.setShowHTTPLogs(true);

Card Scanning

By default the FitPay WebView utilizes a web based card scanning service which is currently being EOL'ed, that means the ability to scan a card during card entry no must be handled natively by the SDK implementation. The SDK provides an interface IFitPayCardScanner where a scanning implementation can be provided. An full working example using the Card.IO utility can be seen in our reference implementation.

You will also need to communicate to the webapp that your Android app is capable of handling native card scanning by sending the RealTimeMessaging (RTM) version number of the SDK. An easy way to ensure that the webapp is always aware of this is to send the version when setting the web view client.

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
            public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
                super.onPageFinished(view, url);
                if (webViewCommunicatorImpl != null) {

See an example of this in our reference implementation.

Contributing to the SDK

We welcome contributions to the SDK. For your first few contributions please fork the repo, make your changes and submit a pull request. Internally we branch off of develop, test, and PR-review the branch before merging to develop (moderately stable). Releases to Master happen less frequently, undergo more testing, and can be considered stable. For more information, please read:

Release Steps

This instructions are for only those that have the credentials for pushing public FitPay Android SDK releases.

  • Create release-X.X.X branch, ensuring the release version used has been properly incremented from the last release.
  • If the release was not set at the end of the previous release, set the version in fitpay/build.gradle and commit/push the change.
  • Update with release credentials, don't commit into git.
  • Run ./gradlew bintrayUpload.
  • Authenticate to and publish the new artifact so it's publicly accessible.
  • Merge release-X.X.X branch into develop and master
  • Create tagged release on github with general release notes.
  • Delete release-X.X.X branch
  • Update fitpay/build.gradle with next development version and commit/push the change.

Progaurd Setup

For those building your application using progaurd, FitPay has created the following suggestions:


#When not preverifing in a case-insensitive filing system, such as Windows. Because this tool unpacks your processed jars, you should then use:

#Specifies not to ignore non-public library classes. As of version 4.5, this is the default setting

#Preverification is irrelevant for the dex compiler and the Dalvik VM, so we can switch it off with the -dontpreverify option.

#Specifies to write out some more information during processing. If the program terminates with an exception, this option will print out the entire stack trace, instead of just the exception message.

#The -optimizations option disables some arithmetic simplifications that Dalvik 1.0 and 1.5 can't handle. Note that the Dalvik VM also can't handle aggressive overloading (of static fields).
#To understand or change this check
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*,!code/allocation/variable

#Annotations for greendao and LineNumber for reports in play store
-keepattributes *Annotation*, LineNumberTable

-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Signature
-keepattributes Exceptions

-keepattributes SetJavaScriptEnabled
-keepattributes JavascriptInterface
-keepattributes InlinedApi

-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends android.preference.Preference
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class * extends
-keep public class

# For native methods, see
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
    native <methods>;

-keep public class * extends android.view.View {
    public <init>(android.content.Context);
    public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);
    public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);
    public void set*(...);

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
    public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
    public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);

-keepclassmembers class * extends {
   public void *(android.view.View);

# For enumeration classes, see
-keepclassmembers enum * {
    public static **[] values();
    public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);

-keep class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
  public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *;

-keepclassmembers class **.R$* {
    public static <fields>;
-keep class **.R$*

-keepclassmembers class * {
    @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;

-keepclassmembers class {
    public *;

-keepclassmembers class{
    public *;

# The support library contains references to newer platform versions.
# Don't warn about those in case this app is linking against an older
# platform version.  We know about them, and they are safe.

# Keep all FitPay SDK
-keep class**  {*;}
-keep interface** { *; }

# AppCompat
-keep public class** { *; }
-keep public class** { *; }
-keep public class** { *; }

-keep public class * extends {
    public <init>(android.content.Context);

# OkHttp
-keep class okhttp3.** { *; }
-keep interface okhttp3.** { *; }
-dontwarn okhttp3.**
-dontwarn okio.**

# Retrofit 2.X
-dontwarn retrofit2.**
-keep class retrofit2.** { *; }

-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
    @retrofit2.http.* <methods>;

# RxJava
-dontwarn sun.misc.**

-keep class rx.schedulers.Schedulers {
    public static <methods>;
-keep class rx.schedulers.ImmediateScheduler {
    public <methods>;
-keep class rx.schedulers.TestScheduler {
    public <methods>;
-keep class rx.schedulers.Schedulers {
    public static ** test();

-keepclassmembers class rx.internal.util.unsafe.*ArrayQueue*Field* {
   long producerIndex;
   long consumerIndex;

-keepclassmembers class rx.internal.util.unsafe.BaseLinkedQueueProducerNodeRef {
    rx.internal.util.atomic.LinkedQueueNode producerNode;

-keepclassmembers class rx.internal.util.unsafe.BaseLinkedQueueConsumerNodeRef {
    rx.internal.util.atomic.LinkedQueueNode consumerNode;

-dontwarn okio.**
-dontwarn com.nimbusds.jose.**
-dontwarn org.bouncycastle.**
-keep class org.bouncycastle.jcajce.** { *; }
-keepnames class org.bouncycastle.** { *; }


This code is licensed under the MIT license. More information can be found in the LICENSE file contained in this repository.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Please contact the team via a github issue, OR, feel free to email us: [email protected]